Abundant Michael: Nancy's events in Columbia Details
Nancy's events in Columbia Details

Specifics about the events in Columbia

*** Please do NOT repost this message on any other
e-list. You are welcome to bring people to my
Wednesday gatherings who have not attended a Sandbox
event before, but who you think share our goals and
values. You are expected to be present if you invite
someone new and be responsible for his or her conduct.
Please go over the following with your guest.

Dear One and All, the Wednesday gathering, 12 March,
2008 will be at my house in Columbia, MD, from 6:30pm
- 11pm.  We will be having a potluck dinner, doing a
community building activity. We will ask that everyone wear
enough clothing that they wouldn't be arrested if they
step outside until the formal activities are over and
the hot tub is open. At that time, clothing is
optional inside the house and out on the deck. I now
have 3 cats for those who are allergic.

RSVPs are a must as I limit attendance at these events
in order to make sure that the
activity planned will be accessible and doable for
all, given the time constraints.

We want to stick as closely as we can to our schedule:

6:00 - People may begin arriving to socialize and
prepare their food offerings.

7:00 - We will begin eating.  People who have to
arrive between 7:00 and 8:00 should bring an item that
doesn't need preparation or should bring a desert. Let
me say that again… there is NOT time to cook something
once you get here. Please plan on not needing more
than 10 minutes to reheat something.

If you plan on arriving, after 7:30, please plan on
eating ahead of time, so that we can get cleaned up
and started on time for the activities.

7:45 - Start cleaning and putting away the food. If
you brought it, pack it away and clean up where it
was. We will leave the drinks and desserts out so that
you can indulge later.

8:00 - Community building activity.  We will not admit
anyone once the activity begins in order to create and
maintain a safe container.  Sorry, but I feel a strong
commitment to this rule.

9:30 – Start putting the house back together and doing
the task that you signed up for. If everybody pitches
in, the sooner we get it all done, the sooner the hot
tub is opened and/or we can start a puppy pile.
(cuddle pile for those who haven’t done one.) Desserts
and drinks will get
put away at 9:45.

WHENEVER? Hot tub open; puppy pile starts, clothing
optional at this point in the house and on the deck.

10:45 – Lights on, and hot tub gets closed down.

11:00 - Everyone leaves.  You don't have to go home,
but you can't stay here <g>.

FOOD: For me, food is a way of showing love for
someone else, so chips and dip won't get it. Please
bring a dish that is already prepared, that will feed
10 hungry people, and costs around $10. Please do not
feel obligated to cook it yourself; email if you need
suggestions. Please email me what you're bringing so I
can coordinate things on this end. I have a microwave
and two ovens for reheating. I'll supply drinks and am
asking for a $10 donation to cover expenses.

PITCHIN' IN: There will be lists of things that need
to be done before we're finished for the evening, and
a sign-up sheet for those jobs.

CLOTHES: Whatever...sarongs are fun. I love to dress
up and don't get enough chances to wear my tiaras, so
think outrageous. Please bring a towel if you want to
use the hot tub.

HOT TUB: Once the hot tub is open, clothing is
optional on the deck and in the house. Please remember
bare butt etiquette...have something between you and
your bottom when you're seated. I ask that if you have
an open cut that you not go in the hot tub.

PARKING: Please park down on the street. My house is
at the top of a short hill. Again, you’ll need a
flashlight to get up and down the hill, It’s really
dark! Limited parking is available at the top of the
hill if you let me know ahead of time.

DIRECTIONS: You email me what you're bringing, and
tell me about a guest, if any, and I'll email you
directions. In other words, RSVPs are a must, as space
is limited. INCLUDE:
YOUR PHONE NUMBER during the day: Even if you’ve been
here a lot, so all I have to do is cut and paste

In case you weren’t in time to get on the original
attendance list, there is a wait list that I can put
you on, if you like. Please be the kind of person who
checks your email regularly if you agree to go on the
wait list.

---Potluck offering
---Serving utensils, if needed
---Baggie/plastic container to take your food home in
if it’s not all eaten
---$10 donation for expenses
---towel for hot tub
---flashlight to get you up and down the hill; please
mark with your name
         (It’s really dark down there where you’ll be
---email Nancy what you're bringing for the potluck
and your phone number during the day.

You are welcome to bring people to my
Wednesday gatherings who have not attended a Sandbox
event before, but who you think share our goals and
values. You are expected to be present if you invite
someone new and be responsible for his or her conduct.
Please go over the above rules with your guest.

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