Abundant Michael: Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Course Questions and Answers
Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Course Questions and Answers


Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Course Questions and Answers


Q: Why do Shamballa?

A: To assend, healing and be in a state of love and freedom. More on Why Shamballa here

Q: What the format for the workshop?
A: We will do a lot of guided and channeled meditiations with ascended masters, practice healings on each other and discuss ethics and other practical issues of being a healer, There will also be plenty of breaks for snacks and lunch. If the weather is nice you can go in the beautiful garden or find a quiet place to rest during breaks. More info on workshop here.

Q: What is Shamballa?

A: The central core of Shamballa is Love--Love and Freedom. Love for oneself and an innate knowingness of one's connection with Mother/Father God and all Creation. Freedom from all that stands in the way of that knowingness. Freedom to know who you are, and to step into your Power, to step into your Mastery.

Q: What do the meditations do?

A: The meditations are designed to help you to clear away all of the old emotional debris you have been carrying around through lifetimes. Then you will be filled with the energies of Shamballa, and connected to the source of those energies, so that you may call upon them whenever you will. The main purpose of these clearings and initiations are for your own evolutionary development as you evolve. You make it easier for the rest of humanity to follow in your footsteps. You help the collective consciousness-and unconsciousness-of humanity to expand and grow into the consciousness of Love. As a by-product, you may call upon the Shamballa energies to help facilitate healing, both your own and that of others.

Q: What does it mean to be a Master?

A: It does not mean power over others. It simply means being a Master of oneself, as any true Master will tell you.

Q: Is Shamballa hard to learn or do?
A: No! To activate this energy after your initiation, you just call it in by saying, “Shamballa ON!” You don't need to switch it off; the energy knows when the work is done.. No complicated left- brain shenanigans to help convince you that you can't or aren't worthy or such rubbish. Such thoughts and feelings have no place in the lives of you who are stepping into the mastery of Love.

Q: Can the Shamballa MDH energy being used to heal other life forms, such as plants, animals, and even spiritual entities?
A: Yes it can. Shamballa energy is love and does not ask what kind of a living form or energy form it is being transmitted to. What it does is that it brings imbalance into balance and disharmony into harmony, dis-ease into wholeness and freedom.

Q: What is the meaning of Multidimensional?
A: This energy can not only be used within the three dimensions of physical existence that most acknowledge here on Earth, but rather Shamballa holds within energies/love/facets of many dimensions and can be used to heal on all of those dimensional levels and beyond.

Q: What is the difference between Shamballa MDH and Reiki systems?
A: St Germain says that Shamballa is not Reiki, and Reiki is not Shamballa.   We have moved beyond the use of symbols, as well, so we no longer use or teach them.  WE are the energy, not a 2-dimensional representation that is separate from us [which is what a symbol is].

Reiki was put together by the Japanese Buddhist monk, Dr. Usui, from ancient symbols he found in Sanskrit texts, rounded out by some Buddhist symbols. 3-4 of his original symbols are what has come down to us from Germain's original 20-symbol Atlantean system.  Reiki was what people were ready for in the beginning of the 20th century, and it remains a wonderful healing energy.  We are ready for so much more now!  It is good to grow and be ready to expand with the energies and with the times.  Shamballa is what Reiki has grown into, and beyond.  The Shamballa symbols grow and expand along with the Earth, their vibrations rise along with hers.  The non-Atlantean symbols of Reiki do not grow, but remain in their old vibration, which back then was highly advanced but nowadays has been surpassed.  We are ready to move on, with gratitude.  This is not to say that Reiki energies no longer work, or to cast any aspersions on the Reiki system, which is very beautiful. Also, many Reiki practitioners have been channeling new symbols and ways of teaching.  But Reiki is not Shamballa, and Shamballa is not Reiki.

Q: What is the difference between a Shamballa MDH activation and a Reiki system initiation?
A: Multidimensions!  Shamballa contains the best of and moves beyond traditional Reiki.  I do not know about the other Reiki systems around nowadays.  I have met people who seem to be growing along with their Reiki, and new systems pop up constantly.  Mari-el was an attempt awhile ago to move beyond the constrictions of traditional Reiki.  Whatever works for you.  I personally have been attuned to Reiki up through Master, and then Shamballa.  I would not go back to simply Reiki.

Most of these Q and A are from
More info is there if you are interested

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