Abundant Michael: Sandbox

Ayurveda - The Science of Life 12/15/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about Ayurveda, which is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. Would you like to be healthier and have more energy for life? What if simple food changes could make you healthier? Would you like to feel more balance with nature, body, mind and spirit?


More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vital while realizing their full human potential. Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit.

Recognizing that human beings are part of nature, Ayurveda describes three fundamental energies that govern our inner and outer environments: movement, transformation, and structure. Known in Sanskrit as Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth), these primary forces are responsible for the characteristics of our mind and body. Each of us has a unique proportion of these three forces that shapes our nature. If Vata is dominant in our system, we tend to be thin, light, enthusiastic, energetic, and changeable. If Pitta predominates in our nature, we tend to be intense, intelligent, and goal-oriented and we have a strong appetite for life. When Kapha prevails, we tend to be easy-going, methodical, and nurturing. Although each of us has all three forces, most people have one or two elements that predominate.


The goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s ideal state of balance, determine where they are out of balance, and offer interventions using diet, herbs, yogic lifestyle, etc. We will look at the Brahma Chakra (Wheel of Life) that is the philosophical system that became the basis of the Ayurvedic medical cosmology.

Randy Goldberg studied Ayurveda for two years in Calcutta, India. Randy is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, a world famous astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post and by CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups.

randy (at) randygoldberg (dot) org or 202-518-0442 www.randygoldberg.org

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

The Right Friend 12/8/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn how to listen to our right friend - the inner voice that will help us grow more and help us create good things in our lives. Have you ever seen or felt signs from your Higher Self? Would you like your life to contain less struggle and more joy? Would you like to learn how to turn up the volume on your inner GPS?


We will watch the award winning short movie The Right Friend about a woman who is advised by two inner voices - her Ego and her Higher Self. Then we will discuss how we can listen to our own inner voices and how to tell the difference between them. And learn how to listen to our inner guidance more clearly.


The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Spanking for Health, Healing and Happiness 12/1/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about Spanking for Health, Healing and Happiness with Steve Karuna Maitri and Rev. Fisher. Do you want create deep connection with others? Do you want to release blocked emotions and reduce stress? Would you like absolutely transcendent sex with playfulness and joy?

For so many of us, spanking can act as a direct gateway to our emotions, sexuality, happiness and well being. Yet this practice has gone unrecognized as the powerful healing modality that it truly is. Steve Karuna Maitri will show you the limitless possibilities that spanking offers for creating deep connection, understanding, emotional health and absolutely transcendent sex. Find out how this practice can help you release blocked emotions, reduce stress and foster a deep and balanced partnership between you and those you love while adding a healthy dose of joy and playfulness to your life.

Steve Karuna Maitri has been a Zen Buddhist practitioner and meditation teacher in the Washington, DC area for more than a decade. In his practice, he combines mindfulness meditation, deep listening, spanking and massage to help his clients transform their lives and move forward on the path towards being whole. He has worked with clients to relieve stress, release blocked emotions and transform negative behavior patterns. He also works with couples to understand how spanking can deepen and transform their loving relationships.

Rev. Fisher received her seminary and spiritual counseling training at The New Seminary Interfaith Minister Training Program, and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary of NYC where she was ordained in 2007. She is a Spiritual Counselor, Liturgical Singer, Reiki Master, Intuitive Empath, Energetic Healer, and a Sensual Shaman, utilizing sensual energy for the healing of geographic locations, people, and animals. She has been facilitating spiritual exploration for adults and children for over 20 years through her educational, meditation, and womens' spiritual support groups. As a sacred sexuality practitioner she is committed to helping expand people's awareness of the powerful therapeutic benefits and joys of spanking.

You can learn more at http://www.spankingforwellness.com

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Inner Peace Now 11/17/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn how to have inner peace now as Sandra Soloman teaches us how to use the Work of Byron Katie. Do you want to learn a unique and easy way to resolve problems? Do you want to find inner peace? Do you want to transform your experience of life at warp speed? Then come learn the simple process of self-inquiry known as The Work of Byron Katie. This amazing process, when used honestly and with integrity, has the power to create enlightenment on purpose.

“Eckhart Tolle's teaching is the ‘what,’ and The Work is the “how,” - Byron Katie

“The Work is a razor sharp sword—use it.” - Eckhart Tolle


Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn to investigate your stressful thinking using four questions and a turnaround.
  • Experience how you live your life when you believe thoughts that are not true for you.
  • Discover new possibilities and different perspectives.
  • Learn how to facilitate yourself and others using The Work’s four questions and turnarounds.
  • Realize what is true for you, and take home the ability to live effectively with clarity and in accordance with your own integrity.


With the Work “We begin to question stressful thoughts and we find something new happening. We come to see that thoughts aren’t personal. And when we see that, miracles take place. It's what we read about…like unconditional love. The next time you see this person and your judgments of him, you may wonder why you're not seeing it that way. You're seeing someone just doing the best he can. It's a radical shift—this glimpsing into oneself.”


The Work is something you can take home with you. It is a method which brings your own inner wisdom to the surface. You become your own healer.

Learn more about the The Work at Bryon Katie's website.

The Work Essentials

PDFThe following are free PDF files available from her website 

Sandra Solomon, Teacher, Channel/Conduit of Energetic Healing & Transformational Consultant. She is  a gifted and accomplished healer who works on both an individual, group and planetary level.  Her practice utilizes a wide range of energy modalities including, Quantum Healing which includes Reconnective   Healing and Matrix Energetics. She attunes Reiki Masters to six levels beyond Master Level through the Lightarian Institute™. Sandra is also trained in Shamballa Healing.

Sandra offers Transformational Consulting using a variety of techniques, including: the Work of Byron Katie, Psych-K  which is Psychological Kinesiology,  EFT-    Emotional Freedom Technique and The Sedona Method. These techniques assist in whole brain synchronization.  Her Transformational Consulting helps you to fine-tune your life into a more peaceful and balanced journey. She employs transformational techniques to assist you in attaining your goals.

Sandra’s explorations include quantum physics, sacred geometry, the Mayan Calendar, Kabbalah, the Sacred Alphabet, Universal Laws, the nature of reality and consciousness. She empowers people to discover their own self-authority.  You can reach Sandra at mayanone (at) juno (dot) com or 434-825-5564


The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Shamanic Journey 11/10/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we go on a Sharmanic journey with Randy. Do you want to over come subconscious blocks and self sabotarge? Do you want to get help from ancestors and animal spirits? Do you want to get beyond you logical left brain mind for deeper intuition and guidance?


DrumJourneying, like meditation, is a tool for spiritual growth. It also
can be used for healing, obtaining information, and working
through psychological issues. The drum or rattle is frequently used by shamanic practictioners. The slow repetitive rhythm shifts the individuals "rhythm" so that he or she can journey, just the way a soothing song can help someone achieve a calmer state. The rhythm of the drum puts you in a trance. The journey is then achieved by the person'sintent. When someone goes on a journey they can visit guardian spirits, ancestors, animal totems, inner guides, etc. This form of active imagination allows for deep insights, not achieved by one’s intellectual process.


Randy is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, a world famous astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post and by CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups.

randy (at) randygoldberg.org or 202-380-6850 www.randygoldberg.org

Please bring a blanket to lay on. The journey begins at 8pm.
I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

V and Overcoming Fear 11/3/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we watch the movie "V for Vendetta" and discuss how it relates to overcoming our fears, whether they are self induced or promoted by companies, government or the media. With November 5th coming up and the Rally for Fear/Sanity on the Mall this weekend I figured it was time to revised this classic movie and become more aware of how fear is used for manipulation and to gain power in the modern world.


Most chillingly, the film invokes the dread once feared in 1984, Animal Farm, Brave new world, or Fahrenheit 451 but with a renewed vigor that drives home the horrors Orwell foresaw, and still loom large in our comfy modern world. It also makes us realize that the word 'terrorist' is thrown around excessively,
if someone earns this title by simply standing up for what they believe in, and let's just say anyone hearing that word labeled to someone is not only a stereotype, but it makes a default hate for anyone who hears it about this person. What creates the chaos and hate of this world.


How a government can quickly go from the minimal required to ensure that free trustworthy citizens can go about their life, to an overprotective, lying, ends justifies the means tyrant system.  It reaches down into the very root of the modern political warmaking machine and totally debunks the War on Terror with all its sloganeering and xenophobia. Why is it that the state's terrorism as being of greater evil and rationalized by its political machinery, while V's acts are seen as "terroristic" because they are done by a single individual.


"Remember, remember the fifth of November," for on this day, in 2020, the minds of the masses shall be set free. So says code-name V (Hugo Weaving), a man on a mission to shake society out of its blank complacent stares in the film V for
Vendetta. His tactics, however, are a bit revolutionary, to say the least. The world in which V lives is very similar to Orwell's totalitarian dystopia in 1984: after years of various wars, England is now under "big brother" Chancellor Adam Sutler (played by John Hurt, who played Winston Smith in the movie 1984), whose party uses force and fear to run the nation. After they gained power, minorities and political dissenters were rounded up and removed; artistic and unacceptable religious works were confiscated. Cameras and microphones are
littered throughout the land, and the people are perpetually sedated through the governmentally controlled media. Taking inspiration from Guy Fawkes, the 17th century co-conspirator of a failed attempt to blow up Parliament on November 5,
1605, V dons a Fawkes mask and costume and sets off to wake the masses by destroying the symbols of their oppressors, literally and figuratively. At the beginning of his vendetta, V rescues Evey (Natalie Portman) from a group of
police officers and has her live with him in his underworld lair. It is through their relationship where we learn how V became V, the extremities of the party's corruption, the problems of an oppressive government, V's revenge plot, and his
philosophy on how to induce change.

Based on the popular graphic novel by Alan Moore, V for Vendetta's screenplay was written by the Wachowski Brothers (of The Matrix fame) and directed by their protégé, James McTeigue. Controversy and criticism followed the film since its
inception, from the hyper-stylized use of anarchistic terrorism to overthrow a corrupt government and the blatant jabs at the current U.S. political arena, to graphic novel fans complaining about the reconstruction of Alan Moore's original vision. Many are valid critiques and opinions, but there's no hiding the message the film is trying to express: Radical and drastic events often need to occur in order to shake people out of
their state of indifference in order to bring about real change.
From http://www.amazon.com/Vendetta-Two-Disc-Special-Hugo-Weaving/dp/B000FS9FCQ


The movie and discussion begins after dinner at 8pm and for this night only we continue after 10pm due to length of movie (2h 10m).  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.


Spirit Space 10/27/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we travel even further down the quantum Rabbit Hole in a quest for answers to age old questions. Discover remarkable possibilities regarding what happens to our consciousness before and after death. Some call the film we will watch together, Spirit Space http://spiritspacemovie.com/ "What the Bleep do we know? meets the afterlife".

Challenging Quantum physics theories and how they affect how we perceive the world anciently
and today, both spiritually and scientifically. This film acts as a progressive “travel log” for human life attempting to answer questions that mankind has been seeking since the dawn of thought. What were we before we came here? Why do we need to be here? What happens after we die?

With spiritual inspirations by Toltec author don Miguel Ruiz and insights by quantum physicist
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf and lunar astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell founder of the Institute of Noetic Science, Spirit Space even opens cases from individuals who have been hypnotically regressed
to a point between lives-after death, and even before birth. Not only does the film grapple with reincarnation, the spirit world, and the nature of the human soul it also tackles equally sticky questions such as “Is there a Heaven and Hell?” and ”What is a spirit?”. Viewers with a penchant for skepticism will balk at the lack of physical evidence to back up the claims in Spirit Space, but the film remains a reassuring voice, affirming that our existence is not limited to the boundaries of our mortal flesh...

Dr. Fred Alan Wolf (star of What tHe Bleep do wE (k)now? and The Secret)
Don Miguel Ruiz (Best Selling Author The Four Agreements)
Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 Lunar Astronaut, author The Way of the Explorer.)
Dr. Linda R. Backman,  (Author Brining Your Soul To Light)
Laurie Monroe (Director The Monroe Institute)
Linda Gabriel (Licensed Hypnotherapist)
F, Holmes “Skip” Atwater (Former Army Intel Remote Viewer, Author (Captain of my Ship,
Master of my Soul

The movie begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Your Brain on Light 10/20/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about Your Brain on Light from Joel Hamaker. Brain Illumination is a powerful technique in which we consciously direct spiritual light into specific parts of the brain. The cells of brain can have actual “scars” that a result of negative experiences from our distant past. These cellular impressions limit our concept of who we are and restrict our enjoyment of living. This presentation discusses how “bathing” these cell in the energy of Light dissolves the old impressions and results in more expansion and inner freedom.

  • Experience wholeness, greater joy and harmony in your daily life.
  • Enjoy peace and clarity of mind.
  • Radiate energy, vital health and a sense of aliveness.


Inner Light on the Brain~Freeing the Brain’s Negative Impressions

Learn and Enjoy: Physical and Spiritual benefits of bringing Light to your brain including:


  • diminished negative thoughts / habits,        
  • greater mental functioning and clarity 
  • greater joy and fullness,
  • greater awareness and enlightenment,
  • activate dormant areas of the brain/mind and heart center
  • Key parts and higher functions of the brain

We will follow a Self-guided process for bringing subtle Light into your brain and body

Psychologist and Educator Joel Hamaker spends his professional time assisting everyday people awaken and use more of their innate potential so they can function at high levels of awareness and accomplishment.  He has been studying the field of meta-normal human states and performance capabilities for over 35 years. 


Joel has taught/trained and counseled people from all walks fo life in numerous skill areas including CPR, financial skills, stress reduction, positive habit change, as well as higher mental functioning.He has hosted radio shows as well as created guided imagery discs and tapes for personal performance and inner well-being. Dr. Hamaker, is member of American Board of Hypnotherapy, Association of Transpersonal Psychology, as well as Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. He has been listed in Who’s Who in the East.

Fun with Fireplay 10/13/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn how to play with fire with Melanie. We will cover basic fireplay equipment (what it is, where to get it), basic safety practices (fire awareness, basic precautions, creating a safe setting for your scene, what will go wrong and what to do when it does), fireplay scene negotiation for tops and bottoms, basic fire wand techniques, fireplay "special effects" (using atomizers and flash cotton), erotic fireplay, fire cupping (if we can get cups), and fireplay aftercare. There will be a demo bottom and a chance for others to experience receiving fire.


Fire play is one form of what is termed edge play. It is also an advanced form of play. The term advanced is used here not necessarily to imply that one has to be in the lifestyle for a long time before attempting to do fire play, but rather that one should be mentored by one who is an experienced fire player instead of reading about it and trying learn it on one's own. Fire play is also a sensual play, meaning that it is more orientated toward sensual pleasure rather than toward pain.


Fire play is the only BDSM play form where there are always three living entities involved. Fire if left uncontrolled can , and will take on a life of its own so it should always be considered a living entity .The other two entities are the Dominant and the submissive. The Dominant fire player needs the ability to control all three at the same time to make a great and safe scene. From http://edmontonosociety.org/doc/fireplay.htm


The fire play begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.


After the event here is what Patti had to say (posted with her permission)

"last night at sandbox, i had the pleasure of being the demo receiver of fire from melanie the fire giver! it was a wonderful experience for me and i heard it was helpful to others present who had little or no understanding as to why anyone would want to play with fire! i wanted to share some of my experience with those who may have been afraid of the idea of fire play and missed out on a wonderful opportunity to be 'enlightened'.  :)

with lovely melanie as the presenter and fire giver, i knew i was in good hands. as mentioned, melanie attended
a two-day intensive workshop at pre-beltane on fire play. after completing the workshop, i was one of her first recipients. we played outside, which added much to the experience. i am most grateful for david's drumming,
both then and last night. drumming brings so much to creating atmosphere and for me an inner calm open to receiving. thank you, kindly dear david.

it was very relaxing, even while pushing boundaries. the warmth of being under a flame as she blows it across my
exposed, slightly chilled skin is a highly sensual and even at times erotic experience. the instrument used in fire play is called a torch. for reasons which need no explanation, i prefer to call it a firewand. the times when she literally runs the firewand across my back, then runs her hand lightly along the same path right after feels delicious, kind of like a
light massage with heat. mostly it was just a moving sensation of warmth and a caress spreading out all over my body. sometimes she would run over a ticklish spot and i would shiver. less frequently, i would feel the heat in a sharp but brief moment, not too startling; kind of like the snap of a rubber band. right after refueling with the alcohol, when she was dragging the wand across my skin i could feel simultaneously the cooling wetness of the alcohol and the warmth of the hungry flame licking it up! ooooooo...yummy shivers!
lying on my belly, i cannot see the fire. because i trust her it is actually easier for me to receive not seeing. once i turn over and can see the fire, it is definitely pushing boundaries for me, as i watch the wand, engulfed in flame coming up close to my breasts. sometimes i had to close my eyes and say to myself, "ah...yes, i do trust melanie" or hum, "yes, melanie loves me", especially when she introduced me to flash cotton. although so named, it is not
actually cotton, but nitrocellulose, the ingredient used in flash paper for theatrical effects. she pulled it apart into light wispy pieces and spread it across my tummy, just below my breasts. yeah, it was pretty theatrical!  *BIG* rubber band snap!!  campfire on patti! wow!

initially when asked about intensity of impact, wincing at the thought i opted for none. however, in a brief demonstration
of what she meant, she tapped the wand across my buttocks in a light spanking motion...i found myself moaning....more please. now that really surprised me! what's that all about? hm, not telling! melanie gently brought me down from my journey with what her instructor called the 'excedrin treatment', where she warmed up her hands by holding the flame in her outstretched palm, closed them to snuff it out and then transferred the warmth to my face and forehead. yummy
warmth, gentle touch, lovely closing with a loving hug. in aftercare, sitting wrapped up in melanie's signature polar bear blanket and sipping water i was told that i was glowing. indeed!  thank you sweet, beautiful melanie! thank you also to michael/michelle and to sandbox!

glowing hugz,


Triple Third Eye 10/6/10 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we work on increasing the power of our Third Eye - th sixth chakra is the seat of our psychic abilities, our intuition, wisdom and identity. In these times of great changes having a strong third eye is no longer optional - it is essential to our survival! There are so many changes and such complexity in our society that trying to navigate your life using just your logical mind is overwhelming. If you are confused, depressed, reject spirituality or over-intellectualize then your third eye may be weak.

Come learn some meditations to increase it's strength, do exercises to practice and experience a healing meditation for the third eye. Improve your intuition, clairvoyance, visualization, focus and determination. And be prepared for the increase in complexity in the coming years and months!

... the human body has another physical eye, whose function has long been recognized by humanity. It is called the 'Third Eye' which in reality, is the Pineal Gland. It is the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision, and it is considered the Seat of the Soul. It is located in the geometric center of the cranium.

The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave, behind and above the pituitary gland, which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle. The true function of this mysterious gland, has long been contemplated by philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland, to be our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes called it, the Seat of the Soul.

While the physiological function of the pineal gland, has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools, have long known, this area in the middle of the brain, to be the connecting link... between the physical and spiritual worlds. From http://www.strayreality.com/Lanis_Strayreality/thirdtyepinealgland.htm

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

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