This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we go into a very deep relaxing state with a gong meditation by Werner. The mind can't keep thoughts going during the gong for more than 90 seconds and hence these are very restful and deep meditative state. It heals all the cells in the body. Werner has a 38" large sonic gong and he will play it with chakra activation. Gongs have been used since ancient times to awaken us to the infinite reverberations of Being, within our own consciousness, vibrating in infinite frequencies of silence. Similar to the sound of the ocean, this complex sound of the Gong, can not be comprehended by the linear mind, mind becomes suspended, and awareness drops through to a primordial state.
Like the sound heard and felt in the roar of a waterfall, or the surf of the sea, listening to the sound of the Gong creates an opening that goes beyond hearing, beyond mind, into a state of reverberation of consciousness onto itself, opening the awareness beyond the self-identification with mind and its conditioned patterns.  It is therefore used as a form of therapy, creating an opening for transformation.

In a "Gong Concert"  I usually begin by bringing the listener into physical and emotional "present moment."
Then I work with the body awareness to lead the listener into a deeper state of awareness and connection to self and core issues.
In the next stage the listener holds a deep intention for  any desired transformation or healing to occur, affirming that all is well.
Then I ask the listeners to direct the sound of the gong to each individual chakra for clearing and empowerment.
After this activation, the listener is invited to bath themselves in the symphonic sound of the Gong, as we would bath in the warm rays of the sun at the beach, or a gentle breeze in spring.

During that main portion of the concert, the listener is encouraged to let any energy freely move through and clear from his system, with the intention to let go of all that does not serve, and inviting in new live affirming patterns of energetic flow and healing.................
By that time the listener is usually deeply immersed and  dissolved in the symphony of sounds and experiences a source of deep wellbeing within him/herself.
After a while the waves of sound subside and the listener settles down into the source of all sound, the sublime silence of being, feeling the sounds of the Gong reverberating in his/her awareness long after the outside sound has stopped.

It is a magical and primal experience, difficult to put into words, but a deeply refreshing opening of Self to itself within oneself.

I hope this gives you a feeling of what to expect from a "Gong Concert"

The gong begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.