This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we share making music together - jamming, playing, expressing. Do you want to get out of your head? Turn off your inner critic? Release some stress? Music is a great way to get out of our heads and relax into our hearts and bodies. When we improvise we let spirit play with us and through us.

I have a piano, drums, percussion. If you want bring a guitar, flute or other instrument. Or just bring your voice! You don't have to be musical to attend - just contribute how you chose. If you have some songs you have written this is the perfect time to share them. Or make up some chants to sing! Poetry on the fly fits in too. Dance and contact improv are good too. Let your inner spirit saw and share music with other spiritual beings in a human body.

The music begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.