Let It GoI have spent the last week sorting through my stuff at my house - giving things away, recycling, and a few items to store or take to South America. While the process has been emotionally hard at times I am feeling much lighter now! And I appreciate all the help from Alison, Randy and Derrick. And the legion of people on FreeCycle who will come at the drop of a hat to pick up boxes of stuff that is too good to throw out but would take too much hassle to sell on ebay or craigslist.


I think I used to surround myself with stuff in order to feel happy or at least not feel sad. In the last year I have been away from my stuff and did not miss it at all! I think I got closer to god in my travels. Naked so to speak of my possessions. Coincidently (or perhaps it is related) I lost some weight from my tummy area - less need for protection from the world there too. When my inner divine light is shining strongly I can easily live with fat in my possessions or body. I think I am less needy or nerotic too. For me I use yoga and meditation as the path to light - but others have their own special way to the divine.


One other thing, as I returned to the DC area last week I was overwhelmed by the energy here - so busy, so fear and control based. I had to work real hard to ground myself and didn't always succeed - fortunately many friends and healers helped out. I wasn't aware of how strong the energy here is until I had gone away. I visited a shopping mall to get some pants and after an hour I had had enough of the commercialism and fake Christmas music - the commercial meme was far too strong for my liking. And interesting it totally reminded me of the Mall in Paraguay I visited. This meme is not just in USA - it is pretty global unless you get out inthe mountains or jungle. There different energy fields live.