Now Available in Paperback! |

Excuses Begone!
Dr. Wayne Dyer Paperback
List Price: $14.95
Discount Price: $11.96
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The Biology of Belief
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Paperback
List Price: $14.95
Discount Price: $11.96
(Save 20%) |
Virus of the Mind
Richard Brodie Paperback
List Price: $15.95
Discount Price: $12.76
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Excuses Begone!
Don't miss Dr. Dyer's Public Television special!
Dr. Dyer's television special, Excuses Begone! airs this month.
Check your local listings to find out what times Wayne's extraordinary public television special will be broadcast in your area and get ready to say, "Excuses Begone!"
Learn how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health by saying Begone—to all your excuses! You'll ultimately realize that there are no excuses worth defending, ever, even if they've always been a part of your life—and the joy of releasing them will permeate to your very core and you'll awaken to the life of your dreams.
Move out of established thought patterns and realize that there is nothing standing in your way of living at your highest levels. Find out how with Excuses Begone! |
In his PBS special and the Excuses Begone! book, Dr. Dyer also discusses the research of two of his colleagues, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Richard Brodie, to help us challenge our excuses and embrace new beliefs. |
The Biology of Belief
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
This book is a groundbreaking work in the field of new biology, and it will forever change how you think about thinking. Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species. |
"I encourage you to immerse yourself in The Biology of Belief. You’ll be inspired to reset your mind to the possibility that your beliefs carry far more weight than you realized in determining what you can do, what you’ll undertake, and how far you’re capable of going."
—Dr. Wayne Dyer
In addition to our genetic makeup, the other big excuse that most of us use to justify unhappiness, poor health, and lack of success is the family and cultural conditioning we’ve been programmed with. To that end, there’s a fascinating area of inquiry known as memetics, which deals with the mind and is analogous to the relationship of genetics to the body. |
Virus of the Mind
Richard Brodie
Virus of the Mind is the first popular book devoted to the science of memetics, a controversial new field that transcends psychology, biology, anthropology, and cognitive science. Memetics is the science of memes, the invisible but very real DNA of human society. According to Brodie, it’s "a thought, belief, or attitude in your mind that can spread to and from other people’s minds." In Virus of the Mind, Richard Brodie carefully builds on the work of scientists Richard Dawkins, Douglas Hofstadter, Daniel Dennett, and others who have become fascinated with memes and their potential impact on our lives. |
"Your beliefs have made these memes seem like second nature to you. While excuses are just thoughts or beliefs, you are the decider of what you ultimately store away as your guide to life."
—Dr. Wayne Dyer |