This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we join Libah Cobb (LMT) to Learn how to give an Amazing Shoulder, Head & Neck Massage. Take a moment and tune into your head, neck and shoulders - what do you notice? Tension, pains, stiffness? Perhaps cronic poor posture? Or perhaps the pain has been going on so long that the area is now numb and stuck. How freely can you rotate your head and shoulders?


When your whole upper body has seized up, your neck and shoulders ache, your head is thumping and you have a horrible stiff feeling all over a good massage is wonderful! All of these symptoms are more than likely caused by life’s day to day stresses with our work and personal lives becoming more and more demanding.  We will work on the neck, shoulders, face and scalp. A combination of firm, stimulating and soothing movements are applied with this massage to release blockages and tension, which improves blood circulation and drain toxins. Regular massage can cure those aching neck and shoulder muscles, improve joint mobility, relieve eye strain and headaches and will also improve the condition of you hair.

The power of touch has been shown to alleviate depression and pain, reduces stress hormones, and improves immune function. Come learn simple yet powerful head and neck massage techniques. This event is for the everyday citizen who would like to comfort loved ones without spending thousands of dollars in classroom study. You will learn to give a 30 minute session. These skills can induce relaxation, encourage a deeper connection, and reduce pain.

Libah Cobb is a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1987.She specializes in East-West massage using touch,(music) and aromatherapy to create a space for deep relaxation. She was trained at The New England Shiatsu Center and The Institute of Traditional Healing Arts in Florida. She has been a dance instructor for many years and now teaches a new stretch and breath  fitness class for all ages called FlexAware. Massage and FlexAware can accomplish  personal expression, pain relief, and  body balance . You can reach her at   LLCobb9 at or  571-269-9797 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            571-269-9797      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.