I have had stuff stolen from rooms twice over three years traveling in South America. Tips for better security:
Don't leave valuables out in the room - some maids are light fingered
Close windows, even if they have bars someone can put their arm through to grab stuff. I left a room for 10 minutes with window open. Bag under window was grabbed through window.
Keep two wallets - main street one with just some cash and photocopy of passport. Second one with your credit cards and more cash that you hide in your room. I only take a credit or ATM card when I plan to use them. Getting a lost card replaced can take a week or more with DHL here.
Keep your passport either in a money belt or hidden in your room. A stolen US or EU passport is worth about $2000 on the street...
Follow your intuition - if a street feels bad don't go down it.
Walking around drunk at 3am dramatically increases your risk of mugging. Pay for a taxi if you want to go out drinking. Leave valuables at home when you do.
Don't display a lot of jewelry in poor areas
Separate your cash stash into several hiding places in case you loose one, you will have the others.
If you are renting long term get bars put on windows if you are on ground floor. Get a better door lock and metal lock protection installed (this prevent crowbar attacks).
Change the locks. I have several friends who woke up to hear thief in next room who had got in with old key. If in backpacker room use a door stop. A chair under the door handle works too.
Back up your camera memory card and laptop photos and documents - at least if you loose them you won't loose your data too
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I have had stuff stolen from rooms twice over three years traveling in South America. Tips for better security: