The Wednesday Gathering is not just another dinner party, though it does include a good meal. This is a unique social gathering for people involved in Tantra, Radical Honesty, The Lord's Chapel, Beltane, Community for Spiritual Living, Shalom Mountain, polyamory, Paganism, BEST Events and other groups dedicated to openness, authenticity and integrity. It is an adult only event (18+). 614 E Lynfield Dr
In a magical environment full of great music, candles and in a truly sacred space, we chill out and relax and just see how much we can really show up.
Bring your joy, your sadness, whoever and whatever you are and just be in a place where love and acceptance reign. It's a great place to meet a new friend or see an old acquaintance in a new light.
More details on the Wednesday Gatherings at
The gathering is at
Rockville MD 2085
left turns and walking back 100 yards through the park
Note that mapquest gets in wrong in the last 100 yards, see
for detailed directions and parking info
Michael/Michelle here:
I love many Indian things - the country when I traveled there in the 80s, the food and spices, the music, some Bollywood movies and of course the dancing! I learned Bhangra dancing a few years ago and even if I was down or depressed 10 minutes of doing that dance and I was out of breath and happy again! Plus any minor sickness or stress and dancing just releases the stuck energy so I feel better and can easily rest fully. So this Wednesday Gathering on Indian Dance is great.
Here in Bolivia I visited the Salar de Uyuni in the south of the country - it is a vast salt flat from an ancient sea that dried up. Over 200 sq km it is like being on another planet - no animals, birds or plants. Just while salt on the ground and volcanic mountains on the horizon. I meditated on the salt - it is very cleaning of energies (I take salt baths at home to clean my aura). Away from anyone or any animal I heard a quiet humming in my head - to me it was the sound of god within each of us. A light that is always there but that I don't always notice unless I get very quiet. That night we stayed in a salt hotel - all the walls, floor, beds, tables, chairs are made of blocks of salt. Only the bathroom was not salt (it would melt with the water!). at I slept so deeply that night!
The next day we drove across the desert seeing wild gazelles and flamingos at icy lagoons. I thought flamingos were a tropical bird but here the temperature is -15 C at night and not so much warmer in the day! I explored lava fields and went for a dip in a hot spring. The hot water was great - the only problem was how to get in and out given that it was -10 C with a strong wind outside the pool!! On the final day we got up at 5am to drop off some fellow travelers at the Chilean border before heading back to Uyuni. Our driver, as many Bolivian workers do, was chewing coca leaves to stay alert. I guess it is a bit like drinking a coca-cola in the States. (In fact the original coca cola recipe in the 1890s included coca leaves...). Since president Evo came to power here a few years ago coca production has been liberalized and you can buy coca tea bags at the super market. Just don't try to bring them back to the USA as DHS will take them and may be fine you too because they are illegal in US (they think coca = cocaine which is a crazy as saying poppy seeds = heroin). I haven't tried coca tea but others say it is a mild pick me up.
PS We have three talented healers living at my house: Randy, Rukmini and Sandra. Plus myself remotely. Learn more about what we can do and help support this Sandbox gathering place at
This Wednesday gathering we learn how to do joyful Indian folk dances with Padma Foye. What would yo do with more joy and energy? How do you move stuck emotions (energy in motion) in your body? How would it help your life to express yourself fully in dance right now?
Indian folk dance (Garba and Raas) is mainly performed to express joy. All folk dances portray some expression of life and meaning. These dances are easy to learn and so much fun! And there is no need to be exact in the steps - these are dances for farmers and it is the intent you bring to your moves, not how well you do them that matters!
Padma Foye is from the State of Gujarat in India. She enjoys performing and teaching Indian folk dances because this form of dance is spiritually uplifting to the dancers and the observers.
- Michael/Michelle
Rainbow Gathering guide
May 2
Here is some useful info if you have not been to rainbow before. I have been to five gatherings and enjoyed them all!
- Gathering this year is somewhere in national forest in Washington state - exact location will be announced nearer to June. Google Rainbow Gathering 2011 for details and directions
- I use a 2 person tent - that means two fit in and not a lot else. Or one person plus some stuff. On the plus side it only weights 3 lbs. (have to carry on your backs for 2-4 miles all the stuff you will use...)
- You will need sleeping bag - it can get cold in the mountains even in June - one year was about 35 F one night ... so cold that I could not sleep even wearing all my clothes (that year I didn't bring sleeping bag thinking oh it will be warm!! :-) A mattress pad is a good idea too - I use a blow up one that is light and good plus my yoga map and sheep skin too.
- There may be a raw food kitchen - if so I plan to be near it - you can bring some food to contribute. It is a no money event but can give dollars to the magic hat at a kitchen if you want. Or help out or bring food to give or contribute your beauty and magic in other ways. Most food is vegetarian (meat doesn't keep so well when there is no electric for refrigeration - but some kitchens will try...).
- Most kitchens are very careful about hygiene but a few are not so eater be aware. Need to bring your own bowl and spoon and cup. Most kitchens have a 3 stage wash station that ends with bleach water - it is very important for group health that everyone uses the beach water - in 1987 several thousand folks got sick when less care was taken...
- Water needs to be and filtered, purified or boiled before drinking so bring something to do that. Many kitchens will have filters. Water comes from mountain springs but after a few weeks and few thousand people it may get contaminated... Treat it like Mexican tap water that needs some help before you drink it and you won't go far wrong
- There are no showers or toilets in the woods - people will dig latrines or go in the woods and bury it. Bring some toilet paper when you are walking! Wash in mountain streams (cold!) - most days I just wash my face, armpits and groin as it is very cold jumping in a mountain stream (I have tried!). Some folks bring shower bags that heat up in the sun.
- There is a lot of non-electronic music at rainbow - so bring what you want to play. There will be yoga too so might bring a mat (doubles as extra pad under the bed!). If you feel inclined you can give workshops or teach or play with others in any way you can dream up. It is all self-scheduled organically with a notice board near camp 411. There is also self made mp of the site showing kitchens etc at 411.
- One July 4th there is silent mediation all morning followed by a group circle (of 10,000 people!) and Oming then a party and kiddie parade to pray for peace on our planet. For me this is the most spiritually moving part of Rainbow.
- About 85% of people with be doing drugs - mostly marajana and I think E. I tend to stay away from less conscious folks. And with 10,000 attendees that is still 1500 more conscious and interesting people to meet, plus some of the drug users are conscious when they are not using :-) There is no alcohol in the main area (alcohol is used at A camp on way in)
- There will be a road block with police and forest service on way in and out. Depending on how right wing the politics in the country is at the time of gathering they may be friendly or abusive. I have never had any trouble (looking clean and friendly helps I think). The forest service has taken the view since about 1985 I think that gathering on public land for more than 75 people requires a permit. Rainbow tribe takes the view that the first amendment of the United States constitution allows for peaceful assemble on public land. However rainbow is deliberately not organized as hierarchy rather a consensus group. So there is no one "in charge" who can sign for the group officially. Some years someone signs anyway. Other years the police will remind you on way in that it is an illegal gathering - however it is a national park and anyone can enter. If they have reasonable grounds (eg broken tail light, driving mirror covered up with mala beads, open pot smoking) then they will search car and persons - best not to give them any reasonable grounds. If they don't have reasonable grounds that under the 4th ammendment they can only search car and persons with your consent - I recommend politelynot giving it. They will issue tickets for car issues, speeding or bad parking which need to be paid in a special court they set up about 15 miles outside camp in nearest town. The speed limit in some parts of the forest may be 15 miles per hour. I have never had a problems and I have always been prepared and careful too and ask angels to bless all the people involved too. :-)
- Some police may wander the gathering in groups - some local police may be friendly, some national police (DEA etc) may appear more like a swat team. Every one at the gathering acts as a peace office and helps keep things working well. For such a largenumber of people problems are rare and I stay aware of my cercumstances and the vibe and do magic to protect my stuff and my self.
- I am not a late night party person and plenty of people will stay up all night drumming and dancing by various fire circles - if you are into that go for it and if not suggest ear plugs! (I tried to camp at least a hillside away from the loud noises!)
- Figure on doing a lot of walking every day - the site is about 5 miles across
- Be ready to smile, make eye contact and receive and give hugs to many people you meet during the day. Be ready to hear shouts of "we love you" from across the hillsides. Expect to be greeted with "Welcome Home" reminding us that Rainbow is home and home is anywhere we chose to make it. And that "Babylon" is the outside "non-real" world which is a bit crazy these days... Rainbow is comparitive sane!
- Have fun, play, be open to new people and experiences and take care of yourself too - it is impossible to do everything or meet everyone, so let spirit be your guide and remember that everything is perfect. :-)
Tantra is an ancient form of Yoga and is unlike most forms of Yoga today it is non-postural yet it activates, clears and balances the Chakras (energy centers) of the body. When these centers are balanced, you feel more alive; you look more attractive and sexy, you manifest what you desire.
Tantra originates from 6000 year old Egyptian, Indian, and Tibetan practices that teach us what our bodies are capable of: more pleasure, agelessness.
Wouldn’t you want these benefits if you found the practices quick and easy?
Learn something new and transform your life.
Sunday, April 3rd. 10AM - 7PM
Cost: $160 if you register in advance (includes DVD, newsletter & handouts)
$175 at the door
Classes offered in NY, Philly, Baltimore, West Palm, Boston, Phoenix
Call (202) 686-7440 for more info on Butterfly Tantra or
Are you suffering from the relationship blues?
Many of the people who attend Bliss™ have come to a place in their relationships where they are feeling stuck or flat. Intimacy that may have been there has vanished.
Maybe you've seen some of these issues:
§ If you are a man, are you feeling too stressed to get it up? Or is it all unexpectedly over with before things even get warmed up?
§ If you are a woman, do you feel like your life is so busy that you have no time to be sexy? Are you just feeling bored in the bedroom?
§ If you are a women, would you like more time being ravished and less time with the "slam bam, thank you mam" approach of sexuality?
§ As a man or a woman, has past sexual abuse made intimacy challenging? Would you like some simple techniques that you can use to express yourself more sexually but aren't sure how yet?
§ Do you find yourself drinking or taking drugs to let loose sexually? Would you like to find ways to move past this?
These are the types of topics we cover during the Bliss™ workshop. Even with many of the topics feeling heavy, we have discovered simple ways to ease into covering the topics with fun together. (And at no time are you required to discuss any topic you don't wish to. We allow participants to move at their level of comfort.)
Bliss™ is tailored to helping participants to find the problems that are coming between them and their partner and doing simple exercises that help remove these obstacles.
* * *
A few of the things you'll get while attending Bliss™…
§ Find out how to prolong lovemaking. At the same time, we'll show you how to achieve deeper and more present in lovemaking, too. The process is simple and overlooked by most.
§ Learn to how use sexual energy to rejuvenate the body — using it to stimulate creativity and to also reverse the aging process!
But with Bliss™, we go even further than bedroom time — we look at what is holding you back as a person…
§ Feel great about yourself – happy, more attractive, self-confident, increase your capacity for more pleasure, experience joy and fulfillment as a way of life.
§ Be more healthy by finding out simple ways to eliminate stress along with toxins from your body. We will show you ways to become more safe and whole.
§ Create a more full life for yourself. We will show you easy ways to create intentions — finding a lover, a more fulfilling career, the money you deserve, along with less stress.
§ Learn to more easily navigate those challenging relationships in your life — family, friends, co-workers — anyone that challenges us.
* * *
Who attends Bliss™…
The people who have attended Bliss™ are both singles and couples. They are people who are ready to grow in their sexuality. They have come to a place in their lives where they aren't ready to settle — they want to grow, blossom, feel more.
Many couples have attended Bliss™ struggling with their relationship — and afterward, feel like they've been given a new lease on their connection. Our friend and student, Michele said this:
"Our marriage was on the rocks. We had visited three psychologists in the last six months with no success. A weekend with Laurie is all it took to finally find the triggers that were preventing us from being closer. Now we are like two kids in love again!
– Michelle, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
* * *
What you can expect when you attend Bliss™…
During the Bliss™ One-Day Intensive workshop, we will be sharing a number of fun group exercises together. While in the comfort of our private studio, we will sit and discuss the small things that create blocks in our life.
"There is great magic in seeing how body based wisdom such as Tantra can grow a person and turn him completely around for the better… Thank you for the gifts you gave me when I needed it the most."
–Wes Wolcott, Hemet, CA
We've found that one of the challenges that lovers often have is to move more deeply in lovemaking. We've created a series of easy and fun exercises that can be done as singles or pairs that help people touch the right places in themselves and each other.
Note: even though this course covers our human sexuality, all participants will remained clothed throughout the course and we have a strict "no sexual contact rule" in effect throughout the workshop.
* * *
Our next Bliss(tm) workshop will be held in:
Washington, DC on
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Registration fee only $160 from today until April 2, 2011.
$175 at the door.
Reserve your spot today! (Only 7 spots are left until we are full!)
Location: address given when you register
To register call: (202) 686-7440 or for more info
Laurie Handlers is a spiritual leader and dynamic speaker. She holds a Masters degree in Education and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology. She has taught Butterfly Tantra workshops for women, men, couples and singles since 1999. She is an international presenter and workshop leader and has been featured in articles, on radio and TV in the United States and abroad. You can order her Shamanic Release & Latihan CD her Bliss: Beginner’s Tantra DVD or her new book Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy on her website below. You can catch pod casts of her radio show at
Here are some of my favorite quotes from Laurie's Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy book:
- “If I could distill all my advice about Tantra and sex into one sentence, that sentence would be, Make love in the unknown. In answer to all your fears and doubts about sex, I’d simply say to you, bring back your beginner’s mind. Come to the bedroom with no expectation. Come with openness in your heart for whatever happens.”
- “In Tantra you'll feel more peaceful, more tolerant, more aware of the world that has nothing to do with doing; everything to do with being.”
- “Intimacy with another requires first and foremost coming to peace with your own emotional and physical needs.”
- "Through Tantra, the power of sexual energy is able to render transformation."
Here is my take on various kink friendly events
All these events are ok to attend as a single and many singles do attend. There are lots of workshops and rituals you can attend either single or partnered at all of them. I would guess about 50% of attendees are single.
Here are some comparisons - I am interested in what others think too
Event | Size | When | Cost | Ages | Kinks | Who | Notes | |
DOWF | 1000 | 20-80 | BDSM, Poly, Trans, pagan - all kinks represented and respected | Friendly, welcoming to newbies | Greg | |||
DOSC | 500 | 20-80 | BDSM, Poly, Trans, pagan - all kinks represented and respected | " | Greg | |||
Beltane | 400? | 20-80 | Pagan centered, sex positive with BDSM and poly on the side | Friend, free form | Cat and FSA | |||
Fires Venus | 300 | 20-80 | Ritual centered, tantric plus what you get at Beltane | Structured groups make making friends easy | Cat | |||
NFNC Network for New Culture. |
80 | Weekend event during year. Summer Camps in July and August | So including all meals, a weekend events are usually $50-$150 (sliding scale), a 10 day event is $500-$1000 (sliding scale), and for those who cannot afford even that, scholarships are usually generous and easily available. | 20-80 | Poly, sex positive | Very supportive, expects you to grow and supports you when buttons are pushed | Michael and Sarah |
NFNC stands for the Network For a New Culture, a grassroots non-organization devoted to personal growth, social change, and intimate community ( New Culture hosts a variety of events, as well as creating an ongoing community of folks who value transparency, sex-positivity, personal choice and freedom, sustainability, intimacy, and more ( There is a strong sense of extended family, or “tribe”, among folks who have participated in New Culture events. Strong friendship networks and intimate connections often form during events, and these connections are nurtured in a variety of ways so that they become part of a person’s everyday life.
The events are all-volunteer, and costs are kept as low as possible; while there are transformative workshops and powerful experiences at these events, they are meant to be part of a new way of living, loving and celebrating, not just isolated “escapes” from regular life.
New Culture Summer Camp East will be July 8-17, 2011 (
New Culture weekends occur frequently; here are the dates and locations of the ones that are already set for 2011:
January 7-9 in Arlington VA February 25-27 in Plainfield MA March 25-27 in Kinnelon NJ (near NYC)
There are a variety of other evening, day-long, and weekend New Culture events throughout the year. We have an announcements list for these events that anyone interested in New Culture events can be added to; just send the request to [email protected].
There are many New Culture groups around the US and Canada, including Boston, Toronto, New York, Philadelphia, DC, Seattle, Eugene OR, Oakland, Santa Cruz, and San Diego. Some of the major events are:
Spring Camp in Santa Cruz in April (4 days) Summer Camp West in southern Oregon in August (10 days) Fall Camp near Seattle in September (8 days) |
2012 movie and Evolver group
Nov 17
If you haven't come across Evolver check it out for consciousness and thought changing stuff. Somewhat similar to the worldwide Transition Town movement. Evolver is screening "2012: A Time for Change" movie December 9th.
Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink.
More info at!/event.php?eid=112886885444138
We have events at least once a month that span a broad range of consciousness-related topics, from food production to peak oil, entheogenic medicines to visionary film screenings. Please join us and share your ideas, stories, projects, communities or anything else related to the evolution of collective and/or individual consciousness.
More info at!/group.php?gid=210773933913
I just found the DC Area Spiritual Resource Center website. It lists numerous spiritually minded and artistic events, workshops, yoga, kirtan, seminars, classes, centers and information. The author is Marc who teaches a weekly Tai Chi class in Bethesda.
I have been to this several times - great art and music and interesting people.
Playa del Fuego is Burning Man festival in Delaware - a celebration of
the spirit of radical self-expression, community, and participation. And
plenty of music and fire art! Playa del Fuego is the burning event of
the Mid-Atlantic Region. The Spring 2010 event will take place this
May Memorial Day weekend,(5/27/10-5/31/10) from Thursday 5 pm through
Monday noon. Tickets are $50 for 4 days (what a deal!) for camping. The
cut off for online tickets is Saturday March 27 (first tier), Tuesday April 27, (second tier) . FYI Tickets often sell out with in 10 minutes of the posting time.
More info at
The Sandbox sleepover weekend is Friday 4/2/10 - Sunday 4/4/10. Come co-create a stronger Sandbox community! I was inspirited both by the New Culture weekend and the Sandbox cabins/kitchen at Beltane.
Please RSVP here.

- opening circle Friday night to create safe container and introductions
- plenty of unstructured time to hang, interact, play
- workshops, some dance/movement
- Contact improv dance
- a morning yoga class
- Millie wiccan ritual
- Buddhist meditation (developing bodichitta)
- Aural sex (yes the ears!)
- Cuddle pit
- Finger (and other body parts) painting
- More to come
- closing circle Sunday lunch
- space to sleep over if you chose or commute to and fro
- shared meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner
- everyone helps out with prep and clean up like at Wednesday gatherings
- support for clear communication throughout the weekend
- Cost is on a sliding scale donation basis so that all that want to attend can. Suggested donation $50 for the whole weekend - Friday night, all day Saturday, Sunday til after lunch closing circle. If you only come for part of the weekend then make a partial donation.
Sheri Winston's Tour De Sex Is Coming To DC & MD
Empowering, Entertaining Erotic Education for Everyone Would you like to have BETTER SEX than you ever dreamed possible? Now you can ... with the help of a great sex teacher! "Sheri is an amazing, articulate, accessible teacher"—LaSara Firefox Allen, author, Sexy Witch
- Mar 3| Sandbox – Smith House| 614 E Lynfield Drive, Rockville, MD |
- Mar 4-5-6-7|Friends of Sheri | Private Home in Arlington, VA. | For details: coyote.connection (at)
- Mar 9| Sugar | 927 West 36th, Baltimore, MD | 410-467-2632
All classes are for men and women, singles and partners, regardless of skill level, gender or orientation. They’re also all “clothes on, hands off” and most important, fun and comfortable!
WED, Mar 3 6:30pm-10:00pm COST: $20 (includes dinner) Sandbox (Rockville) Sneak Peek at Women’s Anatomy of Arousal—A mini presentation & book signing of Sheri Winston's acclaimed book of the same name. Learn about the female parts even gynecologists don't know about & how to make them ecstatically happy! Discover how much you've been missing! Chat with the author & get a preview of the longer class (on Fri 3/5 & Tues 5/9).
THU, Mar 4 7:30pm-9:00pm $15-$25 (suggested donation) (Arlington) Hot Wholistic Sexuality—An Introduction to Sexual Integration & Empowerment. Discover a transformative new model that integrates your sexuality with yourself and your world, in an empowering vision of pleasure, passion, power and possibilities.
FRI, Mar 5 7:30pm-10:00pm $25-$50 (suggested donation) (Arlington) Women’s Anatomy of Arousal—Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure (For Men & Women) Find out what you’ve been missing. The clitoris is just the tip of the volcano! Women have as much erectile tissue as men do—a whole network of structures responsible for female sexual pleasure. Expand arousal and orgasm with this essential, empowering information. Draws from and expands upon on the acclaimed book of the same name.
SAT, Mar 6 10am-1pm & 3pm-6pm $25-$50 AM only (sug/don) $45-$95 Full Day (sug/don) (AM prerequisite for PM) (Arlington) Orgasmic Abundance Intensive—Use breath, movement, sound, intention, imagery and awareness to increase your own arousal and develop your orgasmic capacity. Learn to become absorbed in experience, amplify sensation & surrender into mega-orgasmic states. Basic solo-hands-off arousal skills in the AM. In the PM, we’ll build on that to explore solo-orgasmic meditation practices to awaken your inherent aptitude to become turned-on and ecstatic.
SUN, Mar 7 1:00pm-6:00pm $40-$80 (suggested donation) (Arlington) Touch Intensive—Get in Touch. Really Feel. Connect with your Body Wisdom. Get lost in the pleasure of contact. Get tuned in & connect. Delight in expanding your touch intelligence. Add new vocabulary to your contact communication. Learn to give with attuned attention & actively receive with responsible responsiveness. Become a master of touchology!
TUES, Mar 9 7:30pm-10:00pm COST: $20 Sugar (Baltimore) Women’s Anatomy of Arousal—Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure (For Men & Women) See March 5 th description, above.
Sheri Winston, CNM, RN, BSN, LMT Wholistic Sexuality Teacher, Founder & Executive Director of The Center for the Intimate Arts Info & Pre-register: or Pay at the Door