Abundant Michael: Events

CSL/Shalom SAT 1/6 "NonOrdinary Consciousness"

FYI these meetings are usually good and the people are interesting too...

Can an altered, or nonordinary state of consciousness, be an important step in spiritual growth, awareness, and healing?  For thousands of years, shamans of innumerable cultures have explored this question.  Join us this Saturday for our own exploration of this engaging mystery.
Saturday, 4pm to 6pm, Jan 6.  (Note: Please arrive PROMPTLY for this month's session!)
Falls Church, VA
I'll lead an hour-long experience.  You will be invited to go deeply within, to an altered space, and listen for the ancient echoes of spirit.  This gathering will require that you bring a blanket (and maybe a small pillow) so you can rest comfortably on the floor.  Also, note that due to the structure of this month's session, it is important that you arrive promptly, as we'll need to begin our work shortly after 4pm, without interruption.  If you arrive late, you may need to "camp out" downstairs until the session is complete.

DIRECTIONS to this month's meeting place (the home of Barra Kahn in Falls Church, VA):


From the beltway (I-495), take Arlington Blvd. (U.S. 50) eastbound toward Falls Church/Arlington.  In about 3 miles you will pass a McDonald's (it's off on the right on the service road).  Turn right at the next light, Annandale Rd.  Go 7/10 mile & turn left at the second light (Kerns Road).  Take Kerns through the light at Sleepy Hollow.  In a couple of blocks Kerns becomes Lily Dhu Lane.  Continue past the "Dead End" sign.  The house, 6438 Lily Dhu Lane, is a few houses past that sign on your left.  Barra's phone # is 703-941-8849.

Cuddle Party 2/10/06

There is a cuddle party on Saturday February 10, 2007 from 2:00-5:30 pm at Amy Storm's house 6429 Deep Calm Court, Columbia, MD

Edie Weinstein-Moser, will be facilitating. Her
background.....Writer, speaker, social worker, therapist, reikimaster, massage practitioner, interfaith minister, consultant andCuddle Party Facilitator in Training.

What is a Cuddle Party you ask?
A Cuddle Party is an innovative and unique workshop/social-event to
give women and men better tools for setting powerful and graceful
boundaries, building community, asking for what you want, and
meeting people. It's…

  • A place to connect with heart-centered, conscious people in a light-hearted, relaxing environment.
  • A setting in which you're respected for the whole of who you are.
  • A structured, safe space to learn about boundaries, intimacy and affection.
  • A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel comfortable, and what makes you feel good.
  • Fun!

Treat yourself by genuinely connecting with amazing men and women.
Ask for exactly what you want without being afraid. Develop a deeper
respect for yourself, your body, and your boundaries. Have fun
sharing affectionate touch in an open-communication, no-expectation

Bring pj's or yoga clothes to change into. Please bring a blanket
and pillow. Yummy snacks are included.

One important piece of information: Cuddle Party workshops start
and end on time. There is a component of the workshop called The
Welcome Circle that sets the stage for the flow of the rest of the
afternoon. Since part of the workshop is about communication and
boundary setting, I am putting this out there now, so that all
present will feel respected and there is no misunderstanding.
Give yourself an empowering experience, one that you can be truly
proud of! www.cuddleparty.com

$25 in advance $30 at the door. We expect it to fill quickly, so
please contact:

Amy Storm 410-290-9090 Amy (at) BlissfulBodyCollection.com to register.
Call Edie at 215-249-9190 or 215-738-8668 with any questions.

PolyLiving Cancelled, Poly track at Beltane

Bad news: PolyLiving 2007 canceled Good news: new poly track at Beltane

If you haven't been to Beltane it is a fabulous sacred sexuality event held in a 200 acre retreat centre called Ramblewood - where Loving More was held a few years ago. I you are interested in presenting contact Cat Castells. I will be there. - Michael/Michelle > ----- Forwarded Message ---- > From: Catalina Castells > > > It is my sad duty to inform you that, due to low registration numbers and the death of my husband, George Marvil, we are forced to cancel this year's PolyLiving event in Philadelphia. In the next day or two, if you have paid us any money, you will receive a refund to your credit card. If you have reserved a room at the hotel, it is your responsibility to cancel it. Unfortunately, we can't do this for you. We apologize for any inconvenience. > > In the coming days, I will be contacting many of the presenters we had planned to include this year and asking them to consider presenting at FSA's Sacred Sexuality Beltane, being held in Northern Maryland April 26-29, 2007. I will be putting together a Polyamory Track at the event in an effort to fill the void left by the cancellation of PolyLiving. > > This event embraces those of many alternative life- and love-styles and includes terrific programming that I'm certain you would enjoy. I encourage you to consider registering. I have set up PolyLiving as one of the discounted groups so you can get in at a slightly reduced rate. Registration for this event has just opened today. > > Take a look by going here: > http://freespiritgathering.org/beltane/index.html > > To register, go here: > http://freespiritgathering.org/beltane/registration.html > > It is possible that PolyLiving will be reorganized in a different, hopefully less-expensive, location for 2008. If so, I will certainly notify you. Until we meet again, I hope that you will enjoy 2007 and continue to love well and love often. > > Best, > Catalina Castells

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