This article by Carol Tuttle is a good reminder to focus on who I want to be as well as what I want to do (or even what I want to have)!

I came across a great tool to help with being who I want to be on a daily basis - make a "to-be" list for my day. Just list the states I want to be in across the top of a piece of paper eg love, abundance, patience, calm etc or what ever states you want to be in. Then draw columns down the page and list in them the activities/schedules you have for today under the state you want to experience for that activity. For example if you are taking a bus trip you might list it under patience. Or contacting old clients under abundance.

I learned this idea from a book "Plenty of Time" by Terces Engelhart (of Cafe Gratitude in San Francisco)

A related article on To Be lists at Oprah magazine.