I was talking with a fellow Sandboxer about touch today.
They like it! Ok, that is true for most of us, most days. :-) But they weren't sure how to tell folks
what body parts  they wanted touched and want parts they wanted left alone. And worse on
some days they want to be held and on other days eye gazing is enough connection. Plus
they might want to be touched one way by person A and another way by person B and not
at all by person C. "Hmmm", I said, "this sounds exactly why we have a Sandbox!" - a safe place
where we can experiment with clearly expressing our wants and don't wants.

So this Wednesday at 7pm we with do an exercise for those who want to strengthen their
expression of their boundaries. Practicing saying what touch we want, what we don't want
and from who. And renegotiating these boundaries when we notice that our feelings have changed.
Oh my goodness what if others get angry or upset by our requests? We will work with that energy
too. All part of the growth possible in the Sandbox. Afraid of doing this kind of work? All the more
reason to show up this week!

Of course if this exercise is not for you are at choice to attend and not do the exercise and enjoy
great company, food and connection.