The Sandbox want expression exercise last week was a lot of fun and helped folks
to express what they wanted and didn't want. It also help when some of us were in
the Sandbox (aka the dry hot tub) later in the evening to ask for a hug and to be ok
whether the person gave it or not. I think because people felt safe more cuddling
occurred that might have done before. :-)

So this Wednesday at 6:30pm we with do an exercise for those who want to strengthen their
expression of their boundaries. Practicing saying No helps us be clearer on what we want to
say Yes to and to who. Learning to hear No from someone else without having to turn it into
a rejection story is refreshing too. Saying or hearing No can be hard at first, so we will loosen
up first with some body movement exercises!

Of course if this exercise is not for you are at choice to attend and not do the exercise and enjoy
great company, food and connection.

I have noticed over the months of hosting Sandbox dinners that if we start dinner at 7:30pm
that unless someone pays attention to the time that dinner table conversation can go on until nearly 9pm. While
the conversation is often interesting that only leaves 30 minutes after 15 minutes of clean
up and before starting shutdown at 9:45pm for dancing, conversation or other
fun activities. So I am going to experiment with returning to the old Hollies dinner
start time of 7:00pm and start dinner clean up at 8pm. That will give us 90 minutes of
play time. Of course as always any late comers can still get any left over food from the kitchen. And just because the
dinner table is cleared doesnt' mean that conversation has to stop! I just want to
give more choices to people and to create more yummy connections. :-) Let me
know how you think it goes.