In the two weeks since Beltane Spring has fully arrived! The trees are green, flower are open the nights are warmer. I have put the pot plants from my living room outside to enjoy the coming summer. And weeds are growing like crazy in my garden too! So I pull them up. And they grow again from other weed seeds that lie in the ground. Sort of like busy or anxious thoughts that can grow in my head. So I practice weeding of my thoughts - through meditation, exercise and deliberating slowing down at times during the week. One of these times is the Sandbox Wednesday gathering. A time to connect with others on a deeper level than much of every day life provides. To share preparing the space and dinner. A time to play with others, to hug, perhaps to deeply listen to what someone is saying below the surface and to be deeply listened to.

This week I deliberate don't offer a planned activity or mini workshop at the gathering. So that in this fallow ground beautiful flowers may bloom of their own in the space we all create.