Many folks in Sandbox (myself included) have been on a Shalom Mountain Retreat as a way to grow. If you have never experienced the process, this week's gathering will be a unique opportunity to do so.  Roger Telschow, known to many in our community from his work at CSL, has trained extensively at Shalom Mountain and has led Shalom Retreats since 1997.  He has offered to lead what he calls a "Taste of Shalom" evening for us.
The Shalom process helps participants move through energetic blocks that prevent us from living to our fullest.  Our lives are informed primarily by images, stories, and primal energies.  We really don't "think" our life.  The Shalom process therefore focuses less on "figuring out" our blocks, and draws more from body-centered wisdom.  Next Wednesday you'll be able to experience a few of these processes.  There will also be time for one or two people to work in the center of the group, much as everyone does at a full Shalom Retreat. It is powerful and moving stuff - so I hope you will join us!

This evnt will be on 1/30/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings