On February 13th Nancy will be leading a Sandbox Gathering at her home in Columbia MD on Loving your self (based on Gay Hendricks book). Nancy writes:

This is not a drop-in event, so please read the posting below.I'll be using Gay Hendrick's book &
workbook...LOVINGYOURSELF...which has some excellent exercises thatI've found to be useful. I thought this might be awonderful gift to ourselves for Valentine's Day.

Updated news...I now have 3 cats, and the hot tub maynot be repaired by then...we might just have to
cuddleafterwards...Oh, bother! Hope you can join
me,Love to your hearts,Nancy

You are welcome to bring people to my Wednesday gatherings who have not
attended a Sandboxevent before, but who you think share our goals and values. You are expected to be
present if you invitesomeone new and be responsible for his or her conduct. Please go over the following
with your guest.

The Wednesday gathering, 13February, 2008 will be at my house in Columbia, MD,from 6:30pm - 11pm.  We will be having a potluckdinner, doing a community building activity on LOVINGYOURSELF, by Gay Hendricks. I’ll be using his book andworkbook as a reference for the exercises. Socializing and hot tubing afterwards, if the hot tubis repaired by then..  We will ask that everyone wearenough clothing that they wouldn't be arrested if they step outside until the formal activities are over andthe hot tub is open. At that time, clothing is optional inside the house and out on the deck. I nowhave  3 cats for those who are allergic.RSVPs are a must as I limit attendance at these eventsin order to make sure that the activity planned will be accessible and doable forall, given the time constraints.

We want to stick as closely as we can to our schedule:

6:00 - People may begin arriving to socialize and prepare their food offerings.

7:00 - We will begin eating. People who have to arrive between 7:00 and 8:00 should bring an item that doesn't need preparation or should bring a desert. Letme say that again… there is NOT time to cook something once you get here. Please plan on not needing morethan 10 minutes to reheat
something. If you plan on arriving, after 7:30, please plan oneating ahead of time, so that we can get
cleaned up and started on time for the activities.

7:45 -  Start cleaning and putting away the food. If you brought it, pack it away and clean up where it was. We will leave the drinks and desserts out so thatyou can indulge later.

8:00 - Community building activity.  We will not admit anyone once the activity begins in order to create andmaintain a safe container.  Sorry, but I feel a strong commitment to this rule.

9:30 – Start putting the house back together and doing the task that you signed up for. If everybody pitches in, the sooner we get it all done, the sooner the hottub is opened and/or we can start a puppy pile.(cuddle pile for those who haven’t done one.) Dessertsand drinks will getput away at

9:45.WHENEVER? Hot tub open; puppy pile starts, clothingoptional at this point in the houseand on the deck.

10:45 – Lights on, and hot tub gets closed down.

11:00 - Everyone leaves.  You don't have to go home,but you can't stay here <g>.

FOOD: For me,
food is a way of showing love forsomeone else, so
chips and dip won't get it. Pleasebring a dish that is
already prepared, that will feed10 hungry people, and
costs around $10. Please do notfeel obligated to cook
it yourself; email if you needsuggestions. Please
email me what you're bringing so Ican coordinate
things on this end. I have a microwaveand two ovens
for reheating. I'll supply drinks and amasking for a
$10 donation to cover expenses.

PITCHIN' IN: There will
be lists of things that needto be done before we're
finished for the evening, anda sign-up sheet for those

CLOTHES: Whatever...sarongs are fun. I love to
dressup and don't get enough chances to wear my
tiaras, sothink outrageous. Please bring a towel if
you want touse the hot tub.

HOT TUB: Once the hot tub
is open, clothing isoptional on the deck and in the
house. Please rememberbare butt etiquette...have
something between you andyour bottom when you're
seated. I ask that if you havean open cut that you not
go in the hot tub.

PARKING: Please park down on the
street. My house isat the top of a short hill. Again,
you’ll need aflashlight to get up and down the hill,
It’s reallydark! Limited parking is available at the
top of thehill if you let me know ahead of

DIRECTIONS: You email me what you're bringing,
andtell me about a guest, if any, and I'll email
youdirections. In other words, RSVPs are a must, as
you weren’t in time to get on the originalattendance
list, there is a wait list that I can putyou on, if
you like. Please be the kind of person whochecks your
email regularly if you agree to go on thewait list.

BRING/DO LIST:---Potluck offering---Serving utensils,
if needed---Baggie/plastic container to take your food
home inif it’s not all eaten---$10 donation for
expenses---towel for hot tub---flashlight to get you
up and down the hill; pleasemark with your name      
 (It’s really dark down there where you’ll
beparking)---email Nancy what you're bringing for the
potluckand your phone number.*** Please do NOT repost
this message on any othere-list. You are welcome to
bring people to myWednesday gatherings who have not
attended a Sandboxevent before, but who you think
share our goals andvalues. You are expected to be
present if you invitesomeone new and be responsible
for his or her conduct.Please go over the above rules
with your guest.