Last year I had a great time at Playa del Fuego - this video

shows what happens at PDF. Lots of free expression and art! I am in the video at about 1:25 minutes into in reading Green Eggs and Ham at the Cat in the Hat bus.

Playa del Fuego is Burning Man festival in Delaware - a celebration of the spirit of radical self-expression, community, and participation. And plenty of music and fire art! Playa del Fuego is the burning event of the Mid-Atlantic Region.  The Fall event will take place this October Columbus Day weekend,(10/9-10/13/08) from Thursday 5 pm through Monday noon. Tickets are $35 for 4 days (what a deal!) for camping. The cut off for online tickets is Friday, Sept. 14th at 9pm, but I believe you can still get them at the door.
More info at