This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we remove our masks with Michael and Sarah.

One of the key skills to living a loving and powerful life is the ability to understand yourself and your own reactions; another is the ability to “show up,” to communicate your truth to others.  This experiential workshop gives participants an opportunity to practice being fully present and revealing themselves to a supportive group.  Using a format called ZEGG Forum (not related to Landmark Forum), the facilitators create a safe, loving container where participants may step out in front of the group and share what is going on for them.  If the participant wishes, there is an opportunity for the group to give verbal feedback on how the participant came across.  We often wear masks out of fear; this is an opportunity to get emotionally "naked."  Profound shifts in consciousness can occur as we reveal or witness what has been kept hidden. For additional info on ZEGG Forum:

The mask removal starts after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.