This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we examine the Shamballa energy of love without conditions. If you were at the Thanksgiving lunch meditation or the Shamanic Journey Sandbox or have done Zoetic Expansion you have already had a brief taste of this energy. Tonight we will go deeper into the space of love and healing

In addition to experiencing the love energy with meditations we will look at some questions: When do you experience love without conditions? What is it like to love yourself and everything else on the planet? How can your love energy be focused to heal yourself and others?

Like Reiki, Shamballa is the energy of love without conditions, which comes through your heart chakra to help you heal yourself and others. We will connect with your higher self and Ascended Masters in guided meditation and other exercises to experience love energy healing. More info on Shamballa at (click on the English language icon next to the love rose)

The healing begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.