Sometime for me words get in the way of my connecting with others. They can form a barrier to really getting to see the divine in others. Eye gazing and just being with others can be more intimate at times. So as an experiment this Wednesday Gathering will be a Silent Retreat. There will be no spoken words (gestures and non-verbal sounds are ok). Sound scary? Impossible to not speak for 4 hours in the company of others? What about all those thoughts that come up in my head - how will I keep them in the background if I am not talking a mile to the minute? Then may I suggest then that there is all the more reason to come and experience silence together. See and feel what kind of connection can be made without words.


Those familiar with the silent eye gazing a chapel will have some ideas for what to do. And of course hugs and snuggling don't require any words either. And for those who like games there are many silent games that can be played without words. I suggest that you bring a journal but don't writing in it until the end of the evening. That way you can experience more fully the non-verbal world. Or if you must jot down a brief note then use your non-dominant hand!


As babies we don't speak and yet there is an innocence and divinity of young children that perhaps as adults we miss out on. Come explore your silent divinity at Sandbox this week.


This event will be on 2/6/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings