If you are going to Dark Odyessy 3/21 in DC and either are gender queer or are GQ friendly then come to
the Gender Queer mixer before dinner. And on Friday I will be hosting a Ostara ritual to celebrate the spring equinox. Hope to see you there!

7:00-8:00 pm Regency Foyer
Queer and GenderQueer Mixer

Calling all dykes, fags, queers, FtMs, MtFs, trannies, crossdressers, and
genderqueer peeps: join us for refreshments, schmoozing and cruising. For
those going to the Banquet, we¹ll head there together. For others, this is a
chance to get a group together to eat dinner. People who identify as queer
or gender variant (or both) as well as partners and supporters are welcome.

8:00-8:30 pm € Hall of Battles
Ostara Pagan Ritual

The Spring Equinox brings a time of balance. The Sun God has overtaken the
darkness and day and night are of equal lengths. The Goddess, our Earth
Mother, awakens from Her long slumber to replenish the Earth. We see new
Life rising from the cold ground. The Horned God has grown weak from the
Winter and at this time dies in order to return to the healing Earth. From
His "death,² He is reborn as the Green Man. He has shed his antlers and fur
for green leaves and vines. He is young still, but as the days grow longer
he gains strength. He is a God of fertility, to aid our Goddess in the
growing of our fields and livestock.