I really en-joyed Chapel on Sunday with the talk on forgiveness.

I did a meditation that morning before Chapel where I talked to
different parts of my personality (like voice dialog for those of you
who do that but in my head rather than out loud). I invited my higher
self to be there and my need for approval, my shame, my guilt, my
procrastination, my avoidance, my not good enough, my chorus of
judgments and my fear all to be there. Some of these characters were
pretty dirty - they have been working hard for over 40 years! For each
one in turn I accepted, approved, loved and forgave and they did the
same for me. I felt grateful for all the hard work each of them did for
me - and I know that they only had my best intentions at heart - it is
just that now I don't need them to work in that way - they can retire -
or only be available to give me messages when I need them. So when the
talk was on forgiveness at Chapel I felt the Universe was giving me a
message on forgiving myself more often. Thank you everyone!

Then I drew a Louise Hay You Can Heal Yourself card Monday morning and
it talked about forgiveness too! Ok I get the message!