This Wednesday Sandbox gathering  Jim Guzel  will be leading an Erotic Art Share. Bring some Erotic Art that you have created and the story behind it. It can be visual, musical or performance-based. So photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, songs, instruments, costume and dress, body art, dance of any kind, strip-tease and mime are all good.  As we did an erotic poetry and story evening in May we will only do word art as part of a visual or performance piece. Note that if you were the subject/model of a piece of art, that counts too!  I call that "The art of being you."

As well as showing our sex-positive art we will relate the story of it's creation. Because art can help heal trauma, help us grow and express our inner most selves.
Art can be very spiritual in nature - for at it's heart all art comes from our creative source. And when I create art or perform it I often get lost in the moment (and drop out of my ego mind).

    "Did you say "performance"-based......I am always excited by the
    opportunity of performing!!!  ... I have plaster casts of my breasts
    and yoni, monologues on abortion and rape and a couple of "yoni"
    poems so I am armed.  And in any case, I'd enjoy being audience too."
    - Gail Hollies

Last time Jim lead Sandbox on the Erotic Photography topic we had a big crowd and lots of fun and lots of talk on the Sandbox list afterwards.  So I don't think that you want to miss this one.

The sharing begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.