This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at Body Mod - extreme acceptance

All of us know that we should not pre-judge others. Does this acceptance apply to to people who modify thie bodies in beyond what is normal? Extreme is relative to perception. What is normal anyway? Everyone modifies their body in one way or another to show on the outside how they feel on the inside - whether it is clothing choices, hair style, make up or jewelry.

This gathering will have two parts. First we will show the movie Modify that documents more than 50 body mods including tattooing, piercing, branding, scarification, bodybuilding, tongue splitting, implants, trans gender and more. Interviews with the modified and the artists who created them reveal their feelings on discrimination, addiction, spiritually and legal limits regarding our right to choose what we can and can not do to our own bodies.

Second we will do a boy mod sharing where we will share what body modifications we have made or want to make.

The movie starts after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.