This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at the healing energy of Reiki.

Reiki (pronounced "ray-key") it is an ancient Japanese practice that uses "Universal Life Energy" or " God directed energy" for natural healing. It is a gentle non-invasive method of hands on-healing that does provide balance to the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental issues in our life. In practicing Reiki healing you may develop personal and spiritual growth too. Reiki is very easy to learn, simple to use and can benefit everyone. It has nothing to do with a particular Religion and can be practiced by all. You can use it on family, friends, pets.

You don't have to be ill to experience the benefits! If you use Reiki every day, it can reduce the tendency toward illness and support the body's natural healing ability to keep healthy.

Note that  "healing" is not always the same as "curing". Our mindset (positive) makes a considerable difference in the outcome of what may happen. Illness is usually a message from our body, take notice, something is not right in our lives. Are we going in the right direction? Do we need to learn something? Forgive someone? Bring more joy into our lives? Release old memories? Make a healthy life change? Love ourselves more?

Ultimately if we want healing to be permanent we must take responsibility for healing the cause. Reiki healing may help with this too by allowing you to approach the changes in a calm, relaxed manner. Allowing you to let go of negative thoughts and attitudes. It can bring about greater self-awareness and your capacity to love yourself and others and can connect you with the the Divine. Reiki can transform your life in many ways.

We will look at what Reiki is, do some energy exercises and then share energy healing with each other in a Reiki share.

The Reiki share starts after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.