This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we go on a Samhein Shamanic Journey.

Samhein (or Halloween) is a time when the veil to the spirit world is thin. We take this opportunity to go on a shamanic journey. In shamanic practice part of the soul is free to leave the body, for example in dreaming. When we journey we do this deliberately with intent - the soul leaves the body, and may travel to a spiritual aspect of places on the earth, or may go within the earth, or above it.  

The journey occurs by shifting awareness or consciousness in order to allow part of your soul to leave the body.  A drum or rattle is frequently used.  The slow repetitive rhythm shifts the individuals "rhythm" so that he or she can journey.  Journeying like meditation is a tool for spiritual growth.  It is also a tool that can be used for healing, obtaining information, and working through psychological issues.

When you go on a journey you can communicate on a spiritual level. You can visit guardian spirits or spirits of the land. You can examine the health of your body or another's body.  You can also discover things about the world.

For instance a journeyer might have an experience of being a fish in a stream, or running like a deer over the land.  The journey differs from a dream because you are able to direct the journey and because you may learn unexpected things.  For instance in a dream, running like a deer you may experience speed.  But in a journey you will feel how the muscles of the deer's legs feel as it runs.  Running as a zebra you may realize with surprise how much of the animals power is coming from the it's back legs.   In the real world an experience brings unexpected things, you learn something you didn't know before.  Journeying is much like experiences in the real world because of these types of unexpected discoveries.

Psychologically you may a journey to work through emotional issues.  You may confront a deceased or living relative about past abuse.  A journey provides a safe environment to express anger, or to work through grief.

The journey provides a tool for spiritual growth because the individual can seek out evolved spiritual teachers.  The messages given often have an unexpected depth of meaning.

The journey starts after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.