The book "Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out" by Marci Shimoff ( offers an approach to being happy, that doesn't depend on achievements, goals, money, relationships, or anything else "out there." Most books on happiness tell you to find the things that make you happy and do more of them. Although there's nothing wrong with that, it won't bring you the kind of deep and lasting happiness most people long for — the kind you'll never lose, no matter what happens in your life. Based on cutting-edge research and knowledge from the world's leading experts in the fields of positive psychology and neurophysiology, plus interviews with 100 truly happy people, this book provides a powerful, proven 7-step program that will enable you to be happier right now — no matter where you start.

Studies show that each of us has a "happiness setpoint" — a fixed range of happiness we tend to return to throughout our life — that's approximately 50 percent genetic and 50 percent learned. In the same way you'd crank up the thermostat to get comfortable on a chilly day, you can actually raise your happiness set-point!


Here is a summary of the steps:

Chapter 3: The Foundation — Take Ownership of Your Happiness
·    Focus on the Situation
·    Look for the Lesson and the Gift
·    Make Peace with Yourself
Chapter 4: The Pillar of the Mind — Don't Believe Everything You Think
·    Question Your Thoughts
·    Go Beyond the Mind and Let Go
·    Incline Your Mind Toward Joy
Chapter 5: The Pillar of the Heart — Let Love Lead
·    Focus on Gratitude
·    Practice Forgiveness
·    Spread Lovingkindness
Chapter 6: The Pillar of the Body — Make Your Cells Happy
·    Nourish Your Body
·    Energize Your Body
·    Tune In to Your Body's Wisdom
Chapter 7: The Pillar of the Soul — Plug Yourself In to Spirit
·    Invite Connection to Your Higher Power
·    Listen to Your Inner Voice
·    Trust Life's Unfolding
Chapter 8: The Roof — Live a Life Inspired by Purpose
·    Find Your Passion
·    Follow the Inspiration of the Moment
·    Contribute to Something Greater Than Yourself
Chapter 9: The Garden — Cultivate Nourishing Relationships
·    Tend to Your Relationships
·    Surround Yourself with Support
·    See the World as Your Family