This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we have fun learning how to be happy for no reason.

Are you waiting for a goal to complete to be happy? Or waiting for the perfect job to be happy? Or the perfect partner? Or using food/drink/drugs to be happy? Have these external things/events brought lasting happiness to you? Maybe there is another way - the state of "being happy for no reason".

Some people are happy without a reason. They have a higher happiness set point that other people. But this is not all genetics - your set point can be changed! We will do some exercises for raising our in built in happiness set point from the book "Happy for No Reason" by Marci Shimoff. Happy people are more fulfilled, relaxed, and peaceful—and they live longer and earn more money! Learn the practical strategies to help you experience happiness from the inside out. I imagine you will get more out of it than any happiness from the outside in!

The happiness begin after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.