On Wednesday, January 28th, we will have a special guest at our Wednesday night Sandbox dinner gathering,  Mark Perlstein, Nutritional Consultant and Live Blood Microscopist.  After dinner, Mark will be giving a short talk and "Q and A" on "Nutritional Cleansing for Better Health."  Mark says,

"Nutritional Cleansing is the safe, effective way of shedding unwanted impurities from the body.  Since the body stores fat to protect itself from these impurities, it can then eliminate the excess fat and lose the unwanted pounds and inches very quickly, within days in most cases.  These systems also work well with athletes, lean people, and anyone who is under stress, no matter their age."

I have done several different cleanses and they certainly helped me to be healthier. Another benefit for me is that I find it easier to connect with spirit now that my body is detoxed. I guess my belly brain got defogged too!

Then, on Thursday January 29th through Saturday 31st, Mark will be having appointments at my house to do Live Blood Cell Analysis so you can see your own blood.

The talk begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.