This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at what gets our juices flowing. Have you ever worked in a job you couldn't stand? Or are there parts of your job that you love and others that drain your energy? Or is it your relationships that you want more passion in? If you aren't passionate about what YOU are doing, now is the time to change that. Passionate people have more fun at work, make more money and I believe attract better coworkers too!

The first step is to take The Passion Test (based on a book by Chris and Janet Attwood ). It's a simple, yet powerful process that will help you discover the five things that matter most to you in your life. Let us show you how to use The Passion Test and the unique technology that goes along with it, to start now and create the kind of life you have always wanted to live.

Isn't it about time you begin living YOUR dreams? Do you know you have a greater purpose, but you're not yet living it? How closely is your current life aligned with your passions? Your Passion Score will tell you. Most people get a wake up call about where they've been putting their attention after they score their top 5 passions.

The discovery process begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.