This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at the coming shifts in society with the economy, politics and spiritual changes as we head towards 2012. Sir James will be leading the discussion based on the article "the Coming collapse" at

He says "I suspect my personal efforts will be a blend of what I can do in the spiritual realm, and what I can do in the "physical" realm. There are so-called practical matters like food, water, clothing and shelter, and there are more life-impacting matters... as any fan of post-apocalyptic sci-fi movies can attest.  I hope we're not living in that sort of history-changing time, but if we are... I expect that a deep examination of what is most important to each of us, and how we can prepare, plan, and protect... will be a good exercise no matter what the future events turn out to be."

In this  "Living in the New World" gathering we will look at

1- Avoiding chaos, spreading calm
2- Accumulating supplies for survival
3- Forming communities

Here are some questions to think on before the gathering:

1) Do you think it will happen - why or why not?

2) What is "it"?  What are your expectations, of what the future will hold?

3) Do you feel as if you have any input, control, or say... about the impact on you?

4) Given #2... about expectations of the future, what is your desired outcome, or goal?

5) Lastly... what resources do you think are available for you to draw on? Be creative, and
    list them out.

The discussion begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.