The Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) 7/3/09- 7/5/09 takes place at Camp Ramblewood. $110 before May 31st. Some similarities to Burning Man or PDF with some cool workshops.

What the site says:

"The PEX Summer Festival is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional music and arts celebration! This will be a place for harmony amongst joyful adventurers in self-exploration. On July 4th weekend, we are looking forward to our largest collaborative effort to date in the gathering of like minds and compassionate spirits. We will be uniting for three days and nights of amazing music, art, education, dance, participatory shared experience and conscious connection on 200 acres of private land, just one hour south of Philadelphia.

Some of the workshops:

Andrew Newberg, M.D.
Creativity, Spirituality, and the Brain, Talk     Angela Boltz
The Yoga Trimurti, Workshop     Carlos Izaguirre.
Drumming, Workshop
Chad Benett
Staff & Poi, Workshops     Chad Doberstein
Boundaries & Pleasure Palace, Workshops     Conway Jennings.
Poi, Workshops
Daniel Pinchbeck
Beyond 2012, Talk     Denise Denise
Fire Performance Safety, Workshop     Eron Lloyd
Sustainable Economics, Talk
Gabrielle Casella
Yin & Yang Yoga/Chi-Kung, Yo-Fu, Workshops     Helene Finizio
Creativity, Spirituality, and the Brain, Talk     James Oroc
God in the Entheogenic Movement, Talk
Jen Alvarez
Hoop Dance, Workshops     Justicia
Thai Yoga Therapeutics, Workshop     Liana Cameris
Chi-MEETS-Prana, Workshop
Lina Luv
Cultivating the Gift of Fire, Workshop     Lucas Boyd
Double Staff & Poi, Workshops     Lucky
Staff, Workshops
Sandhi Ferreira
Workshop     Veronica Bound
Bondage & Spanking, Workshops     Xande Cruz.
Drumming, Workshop