This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about safe and pleasurable anal play for men receiving. We will view some clips from a video called Bend over Boyfriend about safe anal play for women on men, followed by a discussion, Q/A and/or demo.

Bend over boyfriendEver want to learn about anal sex for men? Want great orgasms, renewed intimacy & sexy romance?

In Bend Over Boyfriend, sex educators Carol Queen and Robert Morgan guide you step by step, showing you how to have anal sex and spice up your sex life.

  • Build your confidence to ask for anal sex with your partner
  • Find the best anal sex positions and techniques
  • Choose the right strapons and dildos for anal penetration
  • Select the best lubes and lubrication for anal sex
  • Strapon the perfect dildo for his pleasure
  • Relax and fully enjoy anal penetration
  • Fuck him so anal sex doesn’t hurt
  • Make an evening of anal sex a romantic experience

And men, you’ll see just how good it feels to have your prostate stimulated. Prostate stimulation, you’ll agree, leads to explosive orgasms!

The video begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.