This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn how to cut cords of attachment that are draining your energy. You are energetically corded to anyone who you have a relationship with (family members, friends, co workers, acquaintances etc) in some way whether it is harmful or healthy. Often this cord has a flow of unconditional love but sometimes it is negative energy. These negative bonds can negatively impact all aspects of your life. For example, your behavior may be influenced or controlled by the person you are negatively bonded to. You may be easily manipulated, feel stuck, depressed, have low energy levels or simply feel bad in the other person’s presence.


Will the cutting hurt? No - usually there is a release as you cut the attachment then you feel lighter. It does not affect the other person in case you are worried about hurting them too! Cords tend to stay around for ever unless you cut them so if you have energy drains from past relationships or even from people who have died you can cut then and start free today.


The cutting begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.