This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at Energy Blocks with Barra Kahn (who you may know from her role hosting CSL). Do you find some areas of your life flow well and that you are stuck in other areas? What are Energy blocks?  Where are they?  How do we become aware of them?  What can we do about them?  How do we move the energy so that we can flow again?


In this session of Sandbox we will explore energy blocks from the Core Energetics perspective, learn how to recognize them, and what to do about them. I have done Core work with Barra and my experience is that she is very talented at helping people to shift energy in a loving environment!


Energy blocks are unconscious defense mechanisms that we create to protect ourselves against early wounding.   Energy blocks stop the free flowing expression of who we really are. We will use body readings to help uncover the stuck places and then do some physical processes to move that stuck energy. This frees you up to explore issues from a different perspective and solve where you are stuck. Because having a full tummy or alcohol gets in the way of this work we will do it before  dinner. Energy released I am sure we will all have a good appetite for dinner! There will be some light snacks available at 6pm in case anyone is very hungry!


The circle begins BEFORE dinner at 7pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.