This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at Living with an Open Heart.  What are the benefits of opening your heart and are there any downsides? Finally we will look at how can I live with an open heart independent of external circumstances. This part is especially important in the coming shifts that are manifesting on our planet. Staying in heart space can be hard when others are in fear and the news is filled with panic. However I think it is vital for our health, happiness and in some cases our very survival!


We will learn some methods for moving our consciousness into a heart space of love, including a beautiful relaxing Shamballa meditation. And practice some ways to stay in our heart when others are not.

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

What does living with an open heart mean to you?

Here are some good thoughts on this

...  living with an open heart means fully possessing and expressing trust, faith, love and hope.  To me it does not mean wearing your heart on your sleeve, as much as it means that you are genuine in how to approach others, and give fully of yourself at any given time to any given individual...

... living with an open heart used to mean give everything that I have to others, and have nothing to sustain myself.  That has changed in a big way.  You see, if I give everything that I have, and don’t reserve any for my own needs, eventually the well goes dry.  ...

... one must be willing to give, and to also, receive.  One also must be willing to take care of the heart needs that we have ourselves, so that our souls will be forever strong to assist others when they need us. 

... you have to be ready to heal the cracks within.  I have had several cracks, and outright breaks in my heart.  I have hurt, and angered, and loved and lost....

More at:

I have some fears about living all the time with an open heart. What if 
I am hurt? What if someone rejects me? What if I get ripped off?

What fears do you have around living with an open heart?

PS interesting article and technique for opening your heart and health
benefits of doing so at