This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we hit the topic of spanking for fun and pleasure. Whether it is a few gentle taps or a full OTK experience, many people find spanking to be exciting and a turn on. Activities range from occasional sexual roleplay (such as ageplay) to domestic discipline and may involve the use of a hand or the use of a variety of spanking implements, such as a spanking paddle or cane. Many cultures describe pain as an aphrodisiac. For example, the Kama Sutra, in particular, goes into specific detail on how to properly strike a partner during sex. We will also look at the spiritual side of spanking and pleasure. There will be a demo and if you want to be a demo bottom or top let me know!


We will also look at how to spank safely and areas that you should avoid spanking.


Here is an erotic spanking story to give you some ideas:

"Cassie trembled, looking at the cushioned arm. She knew well the position she was to take, having experienced it many times before. Somehow, though, each time seemed a new experience. Cautiously, she bent at the waist, her hands pressing into the cushion and her hips resting against the firm piece. As she knew he expected, her legs spread slightly, almost discreetly, and her hands crept across the chair to grip the other arm. The height of the chair required that she stay on tiptoes to hold her position, or let her feet dangle off the floor. For the moment, she chose the tiptoes option, feeling the odd need for physical support. Her head rested on the other arm, and she held onto it with her fingers as well. Trembling, she waited, listening as he rustled in the room, finding various objects he had hidden there. More here

Communication is key:

"Communicating clearly and honestly with your partner is the first step, in any exploration or experimentation with new sexual ideas, and spanking is certainly a topic that will require discussion and honest communication between partners. While you are not in a sexual situation, fantasize with your partner about what you would like to do. Talk about sexy ideas, and incorporating some sexy erotic spanking into your sexual play. Together, decide your boundaries. Does she want to be spanked to tears? Does he fantasize about being spanked as ‘punishment’ or as pleasure? Discuss what you will do if one or both of you aren’t crazy about spanking." Read more


On the question of should the spanker stand or sit and what is best for the spankee... check this article out see this article:

Some thoughts on the spiritual side of spanking and BDSM:

"Unable to move, unable to see, capable only of assimilating the dull thud of the strikes, I touched on a very pure and unfiltered awareness, something accessible only when enough layers had been pulled away to uncover it. For the first time, I had a sense of truly being myself -- no brainspace for taking notes for future stories or distancing myself from my own experience in any way. My standard methods of filtering information were completely shattered. Read more

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.