This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at "What is Tantra?".


This short lecture with audience participation that explains what Tantra is, and what it isn't. The presentation includes a few quick Tantric breath techniques guaranteed to give you an experience in your body. This is a funny, entertaining and enlightening way to learn about Tantra.


While Laurie can not be with us this time in person, she will be here on audio CD for the exercises.


Laurie HandlersLaurie Handlers is a spiritual leader and dynamic speaker.  She holds a Masters degree in Education and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology.  She has taught Butterfly Tantra workshops for women, men, couples and singles since 1999.  She is an international presenter and workshop leader and has been featured in articles, on radio and TV in the United States and abroad. You can order her Shamanic Release & Latihan CD her Bliss: Beginner’s Tantra DVD or her new book Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy on her website below. You can catch pod casts of her radio show at


Laurie is teaching a one day workshop Intro to Tantra called "Bliss" on Sunday 9/20/09 in Rockville.


Here are some of my favorite quotes from Laurie's Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy book:

  • “If I could distill all my advice about Tantra and sex into one sentence, that sentence would be, Make love in the unknown. In answer to all your fears and doubts about sex, I’d simply say to you, bring back your beginner’s mind. Come to the bedroom with no expectation. Come with openness in your heart for whatever happens.”
  •  “In Tantra you'll feel more peaceful, more tolerant, more aware of the world that has nothing to do with doing; everything to do with being.”
  • “Intimacy with another requires first and foremost coming to peace with your own emotional and physical needs.”
  • "Through Tantra, the power of sexual energy is able to render transformation."


The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.


Some tips on Tantra at