Some interesting predictions at Astrology Zone: "September won't be an easy month for anyone, of any sign. Mercury will be retrograde throughout the month, but on top of that we have a series of very difficult aspects involving Saturn, Uranus, the Sun, and new moon. Your finances will be a sore spot, so keep a close eye on those and try to avoid problems by reducing spending a little."



"The hardest part of September will extend from September 15 to 23, and the hardest day of all will be September 17. Try not to schedule any important meetings or initiations for then. September  will draw on your ability to be completely practical, objective, and unemotional, and certainly you are capable of meeting the challenge."



"We study astrology so that we can be prepared - now you know the score and you will have the edge. And one parting word - the financial nightmares you might have faced in the past, and which may show a bit of a speed bump in September, are so close to being a thing of the past."


I wanted to check the dates for Mercury retrograde - found this site with dates and background info to share

Mercury turns retrograde September 7th, 2009 at 6 Libra - 12:39 am EST
Mercury turns direct September 29th, 2009 at 21 Virgo - 9:03 am

The signs of a Mercury retrograde include communications going bonkers, people getting lost trying to get places, and technology going haywire.