This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn EFT for smoothness and mental flexibility.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an emotional version of acupuncture wherein we stimulate certain meridian points by tapping on them with our fingertips. This addresses a new cause for emotional issues (unbalanced energy meridians). Properly done, this frequently reduces the therapeutic process from months or years down to hours or minutes. And, since emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, we often find that EFT provides astonishing physical relief. (More at

Theme:   1st hour :  presentation about Emotional Freedom Technique ~ a simple way to tap body parts to release emotional blocks to enjoy greater "smoothness and mental flexibility".  
Presenter: Joel Hamaker, PhD
                2nd hour:  unstructured socializing fun .... and maybe some improv movement/dancing by Michelle Ava.

Costs:  $20 for singles;  $30 for couples


Location:  at Joel Hamaker's house   6504 Kenhowe Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817 [up the hill from the town of Glen Echo]  [east of Wilson La; west of Goldsboro Rd]  301-229-9470 Email: joelspeaks2u (at) gmail (dot) com

Chef:  David Alde


The tapping begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.