FYI I heard about this at the Amma DC event this summer. It was a very peaceful and loving environment. $25 for two days including lunch is an amazing deal!


The IAM - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique®  is a powerful way to reconnect with our real center, our inner Self, and thereby experience true joy and peace in life.

Born out of Amma's deep resolve for our spiritual enhancement, this technique, when practiced with dedication, is designed to bring about integration in our lives - an integration of body, mind, intellect and heart, an integration of our True Self with God.
For those searching for the fulfillment in material life, the meditation techique will serve as a powerful key. A key to open channels of creativity and self-expression, help one to lead a more balanced life and give a more positive outlook.
One of the main functions for this meditation technique is to channel our energies properly so that we can tap into the unexplored realms of our talents. This technique also helps one to relax, both physically and mentally, and to lead a tension-free life.
The course will be conducted in the DC area on October 3rd from 10:00AM to 5:00PM and October 4th from 10:00 AM to 2:00PM at the Residence of Ken and Wendy Steben in Darnestown, MD.
For those who have taken the course already: We will have a refresher course if enough people sign up on Oct 4th at 3:00PM. Refresher course os ONLY for those who have done IAM before. Please respond immediately to ammadcsatsang at yahoo dot com if you are interested.
Vegetarian meals and refreshments will be provided on both days.
The cost for the training is $25.00 to cover overhead expenses, however the training itself is free.