I am near the end of a 3 month TV and media fast that I started in June - no TV, no DVDs, no movies. I found it hard at first - I noticed that I was using TV as a way to zone out or avoid thinking about upsets. I did some EFT on my urges to watch TV and that helped. I have done more reading and spending time in my garden.


I have also noticed myself zoning out surfing the interest amlessly and did watch some YouTube videos until I realized that internet videos are not that different from TV! I have found that no TV does help me to feel more positive - no violence and negative images coming into my mind that way. I was Tivoing all my viewing before, so it is not like I was watching more than 10 hours a week to start with. And I have left the Tivo running during my fast to record a soap opera (EastEnders) that I have watched every episode of since it started in 1989. I will see how I feel about watching those episodes when the 3 months is up!