This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at Clearing Fear from our lives. Where in your life is there constriction and tightness? When is your breath shallow and tummy tense? For some fear comes in at work, others in relationships and others in dis-ease in their bodies and minds. Fear is the little death, the mind killer that can seep into our lives over the years and then grow around our hearts like a vine, constricting our joy of life until there is none left.


Living without Fear.  What are the benefits and are there any downsides? Finally we will look at how can I live with an without fear independent of external circumstances. This part is especially important in the current shifts that are manifesting on our planet. Staying in heart space can be hard when others are in fear and the news is filled with panic. However I think it is vital for our health, happiness and in some cases our very survival!


We will learn some methods for moving our consciousness into a heart space of love, including a beautiful relaxing Shamballa meditation. And practice some ways to stay in our heart when others are not.

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.