This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about Your Brain on Light from Joel Hamaker. Brain Illumination is a powerful technique in which we consciously direct spiritual light into specific parts of the brain. The cells of brain can have actual “scars” that a result of negative experiences from our distant past. These cellular impressions limit our concept of who we are and restrict our enjoyment of living. This presentation discusses how “bathing” these cell in the energy of Light dissolves the old impressions and results in more expansion and inner freedom.

  • Experience wholeness, greater joy and harmony in your daily life.
  • Enjoy peace and clarity of mind.
  • Radiate energy, vital health and a sense of aliveness.


Inner Light on the Brain~Freeing the Brain’s Negative Impressions

Learn and Enjoy: Physical and Spiritual benefits of bringing Light to your brain including:


  • diminished negative thoughts / habits,        
  • greater mental functioning and clarity 
  • greater joy and fullness,
  • greater awareness and enlightenment,
  • activate dormant areas of the brain/mind and heart center
  • Key parts and higher functions of the brain

We will follow a Self-guided process for bringing subtle Light into your brain and body

Psychologist and Educator Joel Hamaker spends his professional time assisting everyday people awaken and use more of their innate potential so they can function at high levels of awareness and accomplishment.  He has been studying the field of meta-normal human states and performance capabilities for over 35 years. 


Joel has taught/trained and counseled people from all walks fo life in numerous skill areas including CPR, financial skills, stress reduction, positive habit change, as well as higher mental functioning.He has hosted radio shows as well as created guided imagery discs and tapes for personal performance and inner well-being. Dr. Hamaker, is member of American Board of Hypnotherapy, Association of Transpersonal Psychology, as well as Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. He has been listed in Who’s Who in the East.