I have been to Steve's workshops on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and do tapping regularly to release stuck emotions and beliefs. If you are feeling stressed over Christmas then perhaps a few minutes of EFT would help...

if you missed the Sandbox on EFT a year ago there is  a free tutorial is here
http://www.eft-alive.com/how-to-do-EFT.html Some of my Abundant Transformation sessions use EFT ny phone, email me if you want one


Christmas Without the Guilt

Lots of people experience a great deal of stress at this time of year. For us it used to be a very stressful time, however I and my family are still benefiting from the results of some tapping my wife Louise did two years ago on her Christmas guilt associated with having to “get everything right” and “do the right thing” by her family and relatives and by the mass marketing associated with Christmas. I offered this link last year and someone suggested I send it again this year, but in time for those who were so moved to do something about it. So here it is, I hope Louise’s experience prompts you to do your own tapping to free yourself of Christmas guilt: