I have used EFT (tapping) for years and highly recommend it. Here is info on the free tapping world summit from Joe Vitale. The event is Sunday, February 21st, through Tuesday, March 2nd 2010
Last year 81,000 people attended the Tapping World Summit. This year even more will attend the free online event.


And what is tapping?

Tapping is a simple way to release issues and blocks that occur in your life.

I call it "psychological acupuncture."

In short, all you do is use your fingers and "tap" specific areas of your body while you think of a problem or issue you want to release.

Tapping has been shown to provide relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases, as it helps people clear the limiting beliefs that are holding them back from attracting what they really want.

I've been using, teaching and promoting this simple technique for decades. I've written about it, and even appear in a movie about it, called "The Tapping Solution" (formerly titled Try It On Everything).

The Tapping World Summit is the best place to learn all about this.

It has lots of teachers and lots of bonuses.

It's an online event -- and it's freeee.

Just go to --
