This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at the 9th wave of the Mayan Calendar (Unity Consciousness) which we are now entering the pre-wave on on July 17-18 2010 . You may have noticed more turbulence in your world over the past year - people changing jobs, a move to heart-based living, financial crises, political earthquakes, more unconditional love connections and a rise in fear based and repressive measures by those in control.

The acts of servitude, manipulation and disempowerment by those who wish to overpower others come from the false belief in separation and non-equality. In its lowest form it is expressed as the lust for power and wealth, “tyranny” at the expense of humanity and the Earth. This is a very unevolved dense consciousness, which will not make it through the vibrational lifting or awakening and healing process. They have devolved and are on the downward spiral of evolution falling further and further away from the ultimate power, which is love.

In the cosmic scheme of things they have no real power their only power comes from their ability to engage, control and manipulate the physical, which is less than 1% of the universe in which they live. No suit, tie, limo, castle, amount of people to dominate or amassed gold can fill the void or the addiction. In some cases they are engaged by the nonphysical yet it is of a disempowering nature eventually loosing their own personal power and connection to the soul and Creator.  In extreme cases it is called possession by regenerate forces. At the core of many of these tyrants you will find a child that was never loved, accepted or felt approved. They are seeking love acceptance and approval outside of self through others and material wealth yet they are always left empty and a nagging sense of dissatisfaction keeps arising. They still have the divine spark yet it is buried under layers of denial, fear and unworthiness yet they will be the last to acknowledge this. The light of truth will find even them in the days to come and many will fall on their knees in regret.

Both of these illusions as well as the fears, wounds and traumas are in the process of healing. Being aware of this process, feeling it and engaging it rather than running from it will create a quantum leap in evolution. We are seeing this in the macrocosm being played out as we speak. The polarities of the haves and have-nots are very apparent. The gross uneven dispersal of wealth, the unbridled greed, the corporate generated wars through false flag operations, the plagues of the war and disease profiteers have risen for all to see. They are being revealed as well as those behind these nepharious schemes for those who are awakening. The apocalypse is defined as the great uncovering and soon you will see all these past wars and plagues as outrageous as this seems were already on the books in a master plan. Not one of them was what it seemed nor what you were told by the mainstream media.  In this awakening and healing process you will see a complete unraveling, restructuring and in some cases collapse of the old system. There will be a movement back to courage and integrity, it will be seen in all facets of society and eventually there will be no more willing participants in actions which are harmful to humanity and the Earth. Those who have been a disservice to humanity and the Earth will have but one path and that is to serve in the highest and best good of the whole.

As more heal and awaken with this great wave you will begin to see incredible light beings and light ships. These are referred to in almost all cultures and faiths and were recorded in sacred doctrines, clay tablets, and temple walls. Dimensional gates or portals will begin opening during this process and a grand reunion with ancient ancestors, ultradimensional beings with technologies far beyond our wildest dreams will be making their presence known. With this presence the regenerate beings will tremble both physical and non physical. The Earth will shake, rumble, shift, rivers and oceans will loose their borders and the sun will also expand during this process withsolar flares and coronal mass ejections.  As we move closer to the galactic plane the grand tipping point Oct of 2011 this will all increase exponentially.

It is an incredible, awesome, exciting event the whole multiverse has come to witness and you have a front row seat. The only question is how are you going to participate, which polarity are you going to express and choose wisely because the immutable law of karma, action/reaction, and the downward spiral of disunity is coming to a close. It is time to choose, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is well underway. Those on high are praying you choose to live in harmony with each other and the Earth for that is what the Earth has chosen. The reset button has been pushed and the original intent, Eden, a place where universal peace, love, joy and individual freedom and prosperity for all where each individual can excel to their highest potential is returning. It is time to leave behind the old ways and return to some of the most ancient of ways. Time to love honor and respect the Creator in all Creation.

(Received by James Gilliland, www.bbsradio. com www.worldpuja. org
Author of Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, The Ultimate Soul Journey.

Additional points from

  • The Mayan calendar is about you.

  • According to the ancient Maya the creation of the universe is effected by nine waves.

  • We are now approaching the end of the eighth wave and, on top of this, the activation of the ninth and highest level that will cap off the evolution of the universe.

  • This ninth level of the universe is designed to generate unity consciousness.

  • The manifestation of the unity consciousness brought by the ninth level will require an intention on the part of the human beings to co-create this.

  • The Conscious Convergence, July 17-18, 2010, is for those that are willing to set the intention to create unity consciousness in the ninth wave of the Mayan calendar system.

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.