This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn how to release negativity from our lives. Do brooding negative thoughts and worries fill your mind making it hard to get things done? Do you seem to have a lot of friends who complain all the time? Is your job not satisfying your deeper desires? Is your health suffering? Then it might be time to look at releasing some negativity from your life!

We will do some exercises for releasing negativity and a ritual to drop depressing thoughts. We will share what works for us in bring positivity into our experience and learn new ways to be happy from the inside out. By the end of the evening your load will be lighter and you will have tools for staying that way! And given how external things are going on the planet in the lead up to 2012 this might be a life saving set of tools to have handy...

And as part of this process I invite everyone who attendees to do a one day media fast for the whole day Wednesday - no radio news, no morning show, no newspaper, no internet news, no TV news, no news magazines, no twitter. Just for one day. Don't worry the planet won't stop turning if you don't do news for one day and you can always read the Wednesday paper the next day if you want to. I used to be a news junkie so I know what a challenge this can be. So get some support, find some relaxing music to listen to instead of the radio or actually have a connectful conversation with other people ;-) In my experience if anything "really big" happens other people will be talking about it - you won't miss out. Or I should say that your heart won't miss out - you ego might start wondering what to do with itself - but just remind it who is in charge and do something different for yourself like a walk in the park, some stretches or a nap.

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.