Interesting video on the coming currency collapse with possible consequences. FYI The video is about an hour and you can't pause it. They also are pitching their investment newsletter  ($49 for a year) towards the end of the video but that does not detract from the interesting research on current US currency crisis and historical facts from other countries currency collapses. Lots of facts such as US shantie towns, empty house ghost towns in Las Vegas, bankrupt state governments, falsse unemployment stats (I would add false CPI numbers too). Touches on non money issues of the collapses too - food stocks, safety, riots etc. Gives suggestions for protecting your finances - gold, silver, some new stock "shorting" trick and I think food investing (you have to buy the report to get details)

Covers evidence of how we are already in first stages of collapse and how past collapses have been "unexpected" and "sudden" and the psychology of "normalacy" aka denial in most people before, during and after a sudden shift like this. Recommended.


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